3635a75956fa4c01a44f74e23b1d4064“For many are called, but few are chosen” (Matthew 22:14).

Jesus uttered these words at the conclusion of His parable of the wedding feast. The king invited some, but “they were not willing to come” (v. 3). He sent more servants, but still they refused (v. 5-6). Even though they were called, they were not chosen in their refusal, and harm they caused the king (v. 7). Then the king instructed his servants to go invite others to the wedding feast, “and the wedding hall was filled with guests” (v. 10). They were called, and chosen, because they answered the call of the king.

Jesus began the parable of the wedding feast as He did many of His parables, saying, “the kingdom of heaven is like…” (v. 2). This parable considered the truth regarding the salvation of mankind. Jesus has called many to salvation. However, only those who answer His call by doing as He commands will be chosen to inherit eternal life (cf. Matthew 7:21-23). Are you of the many, or the few (cf. Matthew 7:13-14)?

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