After facing the Sanhedrin, Jesus was bound and sent to Pontius Pilate, governor of Judea (cf. Matthew 27:1-2). With several false accusations brought against Jesus, and upon questioning Him personally, Pilate determined His innocence (cf. Luke 23:4; John 18:38). After learning Jesus belonged to Herod’s jurisdiction, Pilate sent Him over, and Herod sent Him back (cf. Luke 23:6-12). Pilate explained to the Jews that even Herod found Jesus innocent (cf. Luke 23:14-15). As he perceived their actions to be a product of envy, he provided the Jews an opportunity to release Jesus (cf. Mark 15:9-10). Instead, the crowd demanded the insurrectionist and murderer, Barabbas, to be released (cf. Luke 23:18-19). Pilate attempted to address them again so they would release Jesus (cf. Luke 23:20). When they insisted on the release of Barabbas, Pilate responded, “What then shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?” (Matthew 27:22). Hearing the obstinate demands for Jesus’ crucifixion, Pilate suggested his innocence in the matter, yet handed Jesus over to be crucified (cf. Matthew 27:24-26). Pilate, knowing Jesus’ innocence and the nefarious nature of the Jews’ actions, failed in his responsibility to uphold justice.
The question – “What then shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?” – represents the life altering decision each man is confronted with. Jesus has presented Himself to the world by “many infallible proofs” (Acts 1:3). That He is the Christ, the Son of the living God, rests on a mountain of evidence (cf. John 20:30-31). Still, the question remains, “What will YOU do with Jesus?” Some reject Him. Others show mild curiosity about Him. Some seek to reform Him. Sometimes He is pawned off on others. Some are convinced of Him, but taking time for granted, shelve Him for a more opportune moment.
Jesus has a good answer to the question – “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30)
If you want to know more about Jesus, we would love to study His word with you!
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