
“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; Who can know it?” (Jeremiah 17:9) Man is capable of self-deception. Many deceive themselves about sin, God’s judgments, and the relationship between salvation and the Word of God. It is foolish to deceive ourselves. We must accept the truth, and follow it. Ppt: Do Not …

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Satan is real, and he is active in the world. We must be aware of his existence, and how he works on us. Ppt: The Reality of Satan Outline: The Reality of Satan Download: mp3

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Anyone would think it absurd to turn away from a sincere, loving, and caring individual to a self-serving, manipulative, and hateful one. However, ironically Paul found the Corinthians acting thusly. Their actions were instigated by certain false teachers who claimed to be apostles themselves. The Corinthians were greatly influenced by their deception to the degree …

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Jude describes the false teachers as “spots in your love feasts.” He likely refers to common interaction amongst Christians due to their love for one another. This often included feasting (cf. Acts 2:46). However, we note that such feasts were forbidden in the assembly (cf. 1 Corinthians 11:17-22). These “certain men” were causing harm to …

Continue reading Pondering Scripture: Jude 12-15