Matthew 9:18-34; Mark 5:21-43; Luke 8:40-56
All three synoptic accounts record a harrowing act of intense effort made by a desperate woman to access the healing power of Jesus. The account manifests the requisite effort on the part of man to access what is obviously a gift. The nature of such effort is also demonstrated.
While Jesus turned His attention toward the house of Jairus, whose daughter needed His healing, being near death, the crowds thronged Him. Among the crowd was a woman who had a flow of blood for twelve years. Her efforts to be rid of the ailment through the years show her desperation. She had spent all her livelihood seeking successful aid via physicians, and only had grown worse. Yet, despite the gloom of continued disappointment, having heard of the Great Physician, her heart throbbed with hope. Her faith was so great she knew it would only take a touch of His garment. However, between Jesus and this anemic woman was a vast sea of bodies. She had to muster whatever strength was left within her ailing body to swim through the raging mass of people. This she did, not with the thought of independent self-sufficiency, but with full recognition of dependence on only One Man. When she got to Jesus and touched Him it was not her own strength or ability that healed her, but her unwavering trust in His ability to do what neither she, nor any other could do.
Salvation takes effort on our part (cf. Philippians 2:12). This effort is not salvific by its own merit, but by the power and grace possessed by the One to Whom it draws near (cf. James 4:7-10). Between us and Jesus is a sea of obstacles which must be surmounted to touch His garment. This includes the willingness to forsake our sin, comfort, and even our family to be united with Him (cf. Luke 9:23-26; 13:1-5; 14:25-33). Jesus is there, but are you exerting all your energy to get to Him?
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