Peter is often criticized for his impetuous personality. When the storm was raging, Jesus told him to “Come.” We remember him for sinking. What about the faith Peter possessed to Step Out on the Water? There are things Christians must do that are often uncomfortable. We need to get out of the boat, and have …
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The last of three sermons on evidences. Some refuse to accept both Jesus’ deity and humanity. This is partially due to our inability to comprehend how this can be. He can only be one or the other. The scriptures speak otherwise. Both Jesus’ deity and humanity are important factors in the scheme of redemption. Ppt: Christian …
Continue reading Sermon: Christian Evidences: Jesus – God in the fleshIn 1 Timothy 4, Paul tells Timothy that “in latter times some will depart from the faith.” He then tells Timothy what to do about this in the remaining verses. Outline: Preventing Apostasy Audio: mp3
Continue reading Sermon: Preventing ApostasyThe second of three sermons on evidences. God exists and He commands our obedience. In order to please Him we must live according to His standard. How do we know the bible is His standard? Ppt: Christian Evidences: The Bible is God’s Word Outline: Christian Evidences: The Bible is God’s Word Audio: mp3
Continue reading Sermon: Christian Evidences: The Bible is God’s WordPrayer is a powerful tool given to us by God. We seem to neglect ourselves by a prayerless lifestyle. Don’t forget to pray! Ppt: Don’t Forget to Pray Outline: Don’t Forget to Pray Audio: mp3
Continue reading Sermon: Don’t Forget to PrayThe first of three sermons on evidences. Is there a god? How can we know? Ppt: Christian Evidences: Is there a god? Outline: Christian Evidences: Is there a god? Audio: mp3
Continue reading Sermon: Christian Evidences: Is there a god?The famous Disney movie, “Pinocchio,” teaches that the conscience is a reliable guide. What does the bible teach on this subject? Is the conscience trustworthy? Ppt: Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide Outline: Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide Audio: mp3
Continue reading Sermon: Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide?“We have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God” (Romans 5:2). Gaining access into grace suggests there are conditions man has to meet. What are these conditions? Ppt: Access by Faith into Grace Outline: Access by Faith into Grace Audio: mp3
Continue reading Sermon: Access by Faith into GraceAre you ready to hear? Are you ready to preach the word? Are you ready to die? Are you ready for the coming of Christ? These questions are considered. Outline: Are You Ready? Audio: mp3
Continue reading Sermon: Are You Ready?This sermon discusses five accounts in the old testament that point to Christ and the redemption of man. Ppt: Five Fingers Pointing to Christ Outline: Five Fingers Pointing to Christ Audio: mp3
Continue reading Sermon: Five Fingers Pointing to Christ