Paul’s letter to Philemon had a specific purpose. He wanted to appeal to Philemon to receive his slave, Onesimus, back as a brother. He had apparently fled and fell into the hands of Paul who converted him. He was now profitable to both Philemon and Paul (v. 11). In preparation for his appeal to Philemon, …
Continue reading Pondering Scripture: Philemon 1-7Christianity
“Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, ‘If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.’” – John 8:31-32 The words of Christ are comforting indeed. “The truth shall make you free!” Freedom is a natural desire for …
Continue reading Article: “The Truth Shall Make You Free”Our finite minds cannot fully comprehend the concept of eternity. We must have faith in God “that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him” (Hebrews 11:6). 2 Peter 3 is examined to illustrate the importance of our remembrance of eternity. God’s delay does not mean He isn’t coming. …
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Christ’s church is seen on a universal level (ALL Christians), and a local level (LOCAL groups of Christians). This sermon discusses the membership of Christ’s church, and local congregations. Ephesians 4:11-16 is discussed to show how the church carries out the “equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the …
Continue reading Sermon: The Membership and Structure of Christ’s Church
In order to live a life pleasing to God we must remember certain things. A life of a Christian is one of remembrance. The following sermon discusses three things we must remember. Ppt: Things To Remember Outline: Things To Remember Audio: mp3
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As the homosexual agenda grows Christians must understand how to react to it. What does the bible say about homosexuality? How would Christ react to this growing problem? Ppt: A Christ Like Reaction To Homosexuality Outline: A Christ Like Reaction To Homosexuality Audio: mp3
Continue reading Sermon: A Christ Like Reaction To HomosexualityOne of the reasons Paul left Titus in Crete (cf. 1:5) was to remind those who were “heirs according to the hope of eternal life” (3:7) how to live. A Christian is to submit to authorities, be ready for good works, speak evil of no one, be peaceable, gentle, and humble (cf. 3:1-2). Paul makes …
Continue reading Pondering Scripture: Titus 3:1-8
Everyone is subject to temptation. Those who overcome, and those who sin, are separated by their tactics in dealing with temptation. The bible says to flee from temptation. Too often we want to flirt with temptation. Outline: Flirting With Temptation. Audio: mp3
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In Matthew 7:24-27 the wise man built his house upon the rock, i.e. Christ’s words. That foundation proved to be firm, and withstood the elements. However, the foolish man built his house on the sand. His house fell, “and great was its fall.” On what are you building your life? Outline: On What are You Building …
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Paul asks the brethren in Colosse to pray that “God would open to us a door for the word, to speak the mystery of Christ” (Colossians 4:3). We should pray for the success of the word, and for opportunities for it to be preached. We should also look out for open doors of opportunity to …
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