Christians are supposed to be a bold people. Cowardice is condemned by God, and the coward cannot possibly fulfill the responsibilities given by God. We must move away from cowardice, and grow in boldness. Ppt: From Cowardice to Boldness Outline: From Cowardice to Boldness Download: mp3
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On our journey to the Promised Land there will be trials of adversity. There will be seemingly daunting tasks. We are to show confidence in God as we are Approaching Jordan’s Bank, unlike unfaithful and disobedient Israel (cf. Hebrews 3:7-19). Ppt: Approaching Jordan’s Bank Outline: Approaching Jordan’s Bank Audio: mp3
Continue reading Sermon: Approaching Jordan’s BankIn Matthew 14, Jesus appeared to His disciples on the water. Peter displayed the courage to step out of the boat, and onto the water. We need to have the courage to step out of our comfort zones and preach the word, reprove brethren when needed, and obey the gospel. Outline: Step Out on the …
Continue reading Sermon: Step Out on the WaterThe scripture reveals how a Christian is to interact with the world. 1 Peter 2:11-12 gives five facets of our relationship with, and responsibility to, the world. Ppt: Christians and the World Outline: Christians and the World Audio: mp3
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A special look at the Greek word archegos as it describes Jesus. (Hebrews 2:10; 12:2; Acts 3:15; 5:31) Ppt: The Captain of our Salvation Outline: The Captain of our Salvation Audio: mp3
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After Moses died the great responsibility of leading God’s people was placed on Joshua’s shoulders. The Lord encouraged and commanded him to be strong and courageous. This is also an admonition to Christians. Ppt: Be Strong and Courageous Outline: Be Strong and Courageous Audio: mp3
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Peter is often criticized for his impetuous personality. When the storm was raging, Jesus told him to “Come.” We remember him for sinking. What about the faith Peter possessed to Step Out on the Water? There are things Christians must do that are often uncomfortable. We need to get out of the boat, and have …
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“Only be strong and very courageous, that you may observe to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:7) Shortly following the death of God’s servant, Moses, Joshua was …
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