I have always considered an old Bible to be interesting. An old Bible can speak of experience, and diligence. The worn edges tell stories of battle preparation. The wrinkled pages manifest quenched thirst, and satisfied hunger. A worn Bible represents a daily necessity, of which her owner knew well. Yet, even further, an old Bible …
Continue reading Article: An Old BibleDiligence
Longing for heaven is manifest in desire and action while living on earth. If someone is longing for heaven it will be apparent by how they live. Ppt: Longing for Heaven Outline: Longing for Heaven Audio: mp3
Continue reading Sermon: Longing For HeavenAs we welcome the New Year we should resolve to be better Christians during it. This lesson discusses six aspects of our lives as Christians we should resolve to improve upon. Ppt: New Year’s Resolutions For 2015 Outline: New Year’s Resolutions For 2015 Audio: mp3
Continue reading Sermon: New Year’s Resolutions For 2015There are various warnings given in scripture about the judgment day. Are you prepared? How can you prepare? Ppt: Prepare to Meet Your God Outline: Prepare to Meet Your God Audio: mp3
Continue reading Sermon: Prepare to Meet Your GodUnity is an important factor in the church. Christ taught about unity and prayed for His believers to be unified. Christ also died for unity. Unity is something that takes effort to accomplish. Ppt: Seeking Unity Outline: Seeking Unity Audio: mp3
Continue reading Sermon: Seeking UnityOur finite minds cannot fully comprehend the concept of eternity. We must have faith in God “that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him” (Hebrews 11:6). 2 Peter 3 is examined to illustrate the importance of our remembrance of eternity. God’s delay does not mean He isn’t coming. …
Continue reading Sermon: Forgetting Eternity
In order to live a life pleasing to God we must remember certain things. A life of a Christian is one of remembrance. The following sermon discusses three things we must remember. Ppt: Things To Remember Outline: Things To Remember Audio: mp3
Continue reading Sermon: Things To Remember
Jeff discusses different goals Christians are to strive to attain. We should strive for maturity in Christ, holding fast our confession, and returning to the Lord. Audio: mp3
Continue reading Sermon: Let Us Strive to Attain (Jeff Burnett)
Class taught on 4/30/14 by brother Brandon Chiasson. Audio 1: mp3 Audio 2: mp3
Continue reading Class: Busy Here and There (Brandon Chiasson)
Sermon presented on 4/27/14 by brother John Ezell. Audio: mp3
Continue reading Sermon: Lessons From the Boston Marathon (John Ezell)