
Sermon: Scriptural Fellowship

The word ‘fellowship’ is used improperly quite often. When used in scripture, what does ‘fellowship’ have reference to? What does the bible say about fellowship? Outline: Scriptural Fellowship Audio: mp3

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Article: Religion From Day To Day

There is a popularity in seeking to cut religion out of the bible. Some say this is what Jesus came to do. However, remember what He said in Matthew 5:17, “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill.” Of course Jesus …

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Sermon: The Success of the Seed

What is needed for the seed to be successful? The parable of the sower in Luke 8:4-15 is taken into consideration. There are three factors present – the seed, the sower, the soil. Ppt: The Success of the Seed Outline: The Success of the Seed Audio: mp3

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When Paul went to Macedonia, he left Timothy with some work to do in Ephesus. Different heresies were threatening the churches in Asia. Timothy was told to “charge” them that they teach no other doctrine. Doctrine is an important facet of the church. By it the church is edified. By it people are saved (cf. …

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Article: Culture and Doctrine

If an individual from the 1940’s time traveled to present day they would be dazed and confused. The world we live in is different than it was 70 years ago. There have been changes in everything from technology to culture itself. People talk differently, and some even walk differently. It seems that just about everything …

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Sermon: One Body, One Spirit

1 Corinthians 12 describes the church as a body. Every member serves a purpose. The body was designed to be unified, and to edify itself in love. Ppt: One Body, One Spirit Outline: One Body, One Spirit Audio: mp3

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Article: You call yourself a Christian?

Words are often thrown around with little to no thought. Someone might proclaim they love their wife, and use the same word to describe how they feel about cheesecake. However, we know they don’t feel the same about their wife as they do about cheesecake. Someone might say, “My head literally exploded,” to describe their …

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