God calls His children to a standard of excellence in His Son. However, there are many exampels throughout scripture of those who were faithful only for a little while. The Lord wants our excellence to be sustained throughout our life. Ppt: Outline: To download, right-click on the title in the track list and select “Save …
Continue reading Sermon: Sustained ExcellenceEndurance

The Hebrew writer concludes his chapter of faith with some general references to displays of faith in the history of God’s people. Then he makes application to the readers, encouraging them to endure in faith while looking unto Jesus. Ppt: Outline: Recorder malfunction – audio unavailable.
Continue reading Sermon: By Faith – The Others and UsThe display of Christ’s love for us in His death on the cross urges us to act in various ways toward Him and God. “For the love of Christ compels us” (2 Corinthians 5:14) to be devoted to God’s will, obedient to God’s will, to abstain from sin, to present ourselves as a living sacrifice, …
Continue reading Sermon: The Love of Christ Compels UsGod calls us to be excellent – “extremely good; outstanding” (New Oxford American Dictionary); “very good of its kind” (Merriam-Webster Dictionary). He calls us to the standard of His Son (cf. Ephesians 4:13). However, anyone can be excellent for a period of time. God wants our excellence to be sustained. He calls us to a …
Continue reading Sermon: Sustained ExcellenceDo we serve God because it is convenient? Do we have the conviction to revere Him, and do everything He commands, or do we simply observe what is convenient for us to observe? We need to examine ourselves to ensure our religion and faith is not a matter of convenience, but sincere conviction. Jeroboam is …
Continue reading Sermon: Religion of ConvenienceAfter commanding Timothy to “hold fast the pattern of sound words” (1:13), and mentioning those who have failed to do so, Paul continued to encourage Timothy to endure. To do so, he would need strength. Such is found “in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.” The knowledge of God’s gracious gifts bestowed on man …
Continue reading 2 Timothy 2:1-7Paul began his second epistle to the Thessalonians as usual. He named himself, and those with him – “Silvanus (Roman for Silas), and Timothy.” Both men accompanied Paul throughout parts of his ministry. Timothy was especially dear to Paul (cf. 1 Timothy 1:2; 2 Timothy 1:2). The epistle is addressed to the assembly “of the …
Continue reading 2 Thessalonians 1:1-5Suffering is a fact of life. Christians must know how to view suffering, and how to react to it. Suffering can promote growth in the Christian who views it from a distance, or experiences it personally. Ppt: God, Us, and Suffering Outline: God, Us, and Suffering Download: mp3
Continue reading Sermon: God, Us, and SufferingThe apostle Paul makes a strong point in 1 Corinthians 10 about the ever-present danger of apostasy. He wrote, “Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall” (v. 12). This sermon discusses the context of this passage which begins in chapter 8 and ends in chapter 11 verse 1. Outline: Take …
Continue reading Sermon: Take Heed Lest You FallDespite all the troubles and sorrows in the world Christians can always be “rejoicing in hope” (Romans 12:12). This hope allows rejoicing because of its nature. It is not up to speculation, or chance. A Christian’s hope is different than any hope the world might have. Ppt: A Christian’s Hope Outline: A Christian’s Hope Audio: …
Continue reading Sermon: A Christian’s Hope