
Part 4 in a series of lessons seeking to identify the one church in the New Testament (cf. Ephesians 1:22-23; 4:4). The Lord gave His church work to do. What does the New Testament say about the work of the one church of Christ? Ppt: Identifying the One Church (4) – Work Outline: Identifying the One Church …

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Various subjects are discussed in preparation for an upcoming gospel meeting – Receiving the word, edification, attendance, evangelism, hospitality. Ppt: A Primer for the Gospel Meeting Outline: A Primer for the Gospel Meeting Download: mp3

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In 1 Corinthians 3:5-15, Paul discussed the work of himself and Apollos as ministers of the Gospel. The text is considered in this lesson to gain instruction and encouragement in our efforts to spread the Gospel message. Ppt: Planting and Watering Outline: Planting and Watering Download: mp3

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This is the last section of the epistle before Paul concludes with his final greetings. It is that which follows the foundation laid by Paul concerning Christ’s preeminence (1:15-23), the negative remarks concerning the Colossian heresy (2:1ff), and the applications concerning the Christian’s duties before the Preeminent One (3:1-4:6). After emphasizing their need to do …

Continue reading Colossians 4:2-6

As 2017 approaches, we must seriously consider facets of our service as Christians that need improving. No matter how much we grow, there is always room for improvement. A few topics are discussed in this sermon to consider as resolutions for the new year of 2017. Ppt: Resolutions for 2017 Outline: Resolutions for 2017 Download: …

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“Resolving Doubts” – A consideration of Psalm 73. The wicked prosper, and the righteous suffer. This may lead to doubt, and discouragement, but the Psalm of Asaph shows us the blessedness of following the Lord. “Is constant contact with brethren important?” – The need for continued exhortation among the brethren is considered by examining the …

Continue reading Sermon: Gospel Meeting Sermons by Mike Pittman


In Paul’s conclusion of his second letter to Timothy, the urgency in his message is glaring. His fervor for the Lord and His message is commendable, and should be imitated (cf. 1 Corinthians 11:1). His life was near its end, but still, his overwhelming focus was the furtherance of the gospel, and his concern for …

Continue reading 2 Timothy 4:1-5

After Christ was risen from the dead, and before He ascended to heaven, He commissioned His disciples to spread the gospel, making disciples (cf. Matthew 28:18-20). An important facet of the message they were to proclaim included the resurrection of Christ. Christ’s resurrection led to His ascension to the right hand of God, where He …

Continue reading Sermon: The Risen Lord and His Commission


In conclusion to Paul’s first letter addressed to his “true son in the faith” (1:1), he echoed once again his instruction for Timothy to safeguard the gospel message. This is perhaps the most important responsibility an evangelist has, as Paul so consistently noted (cf. 1:3, 18-20; 4:1-6, 16; 6:3-5, 12-14, 20, 21). Outer threats must …

Continue reading 1 Timothy 6:20-21

The following lessons were presented by brother Stan Cox of Ft. Worth Texas. The downloadable audio links can be found in the 2016 Sermon Archives.      

Continue reading Gospel Meeting with Stan Cox