Is there a god? Many have pondered this question throughout the ages. There is much evidence to support His existence. Christians must have a personal conviction of this truth in order to please God. Are you ready to give an answer for your belief in God (cf. 1 Peter 3:15). Ppt: There is a God …
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The liberal agenda present in this country which seeks to diminish the positive outlook on faith has proved successful to a great degree. Men and women of all ages continue to subscribe to the notion that “faith” is a word which connotes ignorance, folly, gullibility, irrationality, blindness, immaturity, and primitivism; that those who proudly uphold …
Continue reading Living by Faith Among the SkepticsThe resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is an indispensable facet of the scheme of redemption. A few reasons for this point are discussed. Ppt: The Resurrected Christ Outline: The Resurrected Christ Download: mp3
Continue reading Sermon: The Resurrected Christ
The existence of suffering has caused many to abandon their belief in God. If God is both good, and omnipotent, why is there suffering in the world? Why would God allow such a thing? The answer to this question is not far from our reach. It is possible to understand, to an extent, why God …
Continue reading Article: God and Suffering
The last of three sermons on evidences. Some refuse to accept both Jesus’ deity and humanity. This is partially due to our inability to comprehend how this can be. He can only be one or the other. The scriptures speak otherwise. Both Jesus’ deity and humanity are important factors in the scheme of redemption. Ppt: Christian …
Continue reading Sermon: Christian Evidences: Jesus – God in the flesh
The second of three sermons on evidences. God exists and He commands our obedience. In order to please Him we must live according to His standard. How do we know the bible is His standard? Ppt: Christian Evidences: The Bible is God’s Word Outline: Christian Evidences: The Bible is God’s Word Audio: mp3
Continue reading Sermon: Christian Evidences: The Bible is God’s Word
The first of three sermons on evidences. Is there a god? How can we know? Ppt: Christian Evidences: Is there a god? Outline: Christian Evidences: Is there a god? Audio: mp3
Continue reading Sermon: Christian Evidences: Is there a god?