When God chose Moses to lead His people out of Egypt, the scripture records he hesitated and gave several excuses to God. God answered each of them in such a way that rendered them invalid. We can learn from Moses’ excuses by not making them our own as we are called to spread the gospel …
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God chose Moses to be the one to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. When God appeared to Moses at the burning bush with this request, Moses resisted with excuses. God replied to every one, and Moses obeyed in the end. Application is made. Ppt: The Excuses of Moses Outline: The Excuses of Moses Audio: …
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If King Josiah heard some of the excuses given for not serving the Lord, I’d expect him to be thoroughly disappointed. I would also expect him to have some good responses to those excuses. The following are a few excuses that might be given for not living acceptably. Based on the account of Josiah in …
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