
The word “religion” has been given a negative connotation by many in the world today. They say it speaks of rules, regulations, and merit, as opposed to a gospel message that speaks of grace. When discussing the connection from God to man, and man to God, it is not uncommon to hear the phrase, “I …

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In following his thoughts about the temporary nature of life, Paul mentions how that should cause one to act. In Paul’s ministry he made it his aim to please God. This is a fundamental aspect of Christianity. We should always question whether our actions will be pleasing to God before doing them. In all of …

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Comparing ourselves with ourselves and others is hardly ever a good idea. However, comparing ourselves with God is an expectation from Him. What if God gave like you give? What if God forgave like you forgive? What if God behaved like you behave? What if God warned like you warn? These are a few questions …

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John 1:1-5 is a powerful text that reveals evidence of Jesus’ nature, and purpose. Also, within those 5 verses we see an infallible, and indestructible plan for mankind. Ppt: In The Beginning Was The Word: A Plan For Mankind Outline: In The Beginning Was The Word: A Plan For Mankind  Audio: mp3

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Many search for wisdom. It is treasured amongst mankind. However, because there are two different kinds of wisdom (cf. James 3:13-18) we must know which is true wisdom, and where it is found. True wisdom is heavenly wisdom, and it is found in God. Ppt: Ways of the Wise     Outline: Ways of the Wise     Audio: …

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Stan uses Ecclesiastes to refute the concept of an anthropocentric universe (human centered). He then uses Revelation 4 and 5 to establish the truth of a theocentric universe (God centered). Audio: mp3

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Each of us should be longing for heaven. To long for heaven is to long for spiritual things while in this physical body. This sermon discusses a few. Ppt: Longing for Heaven     Outline: Longing for Heaven     Audio: mp3

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Love is the crux of scripture. It is the cornerstone of our faith. It is paramount in our salvation. Love can be both positive, and negative. The ultimate condition is placed upon the object of our love. The Bible describes various things we are encouraged, and expected to love. However, it also reveals certain objects, …

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Recently, Brian Williams – a news anchor for “NBC Nightly News” – was found out for lying about the details of an experience he had reporting overseas during the war in Iraq. Upon his arrival from reporting, Williams had many things to say about his dangerous experience, none of which were corroborated by those who …

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Our God has “given to us exceedingly great and precious promises” (2 Peter 1:4). God’s promises are different from any other in that He cannot fail to fulfill them (cf. Hebrews 6:13-18; 10:23). We must be patient, and steadfast to receive the promises of God. He is not slack concerning His promises, rather His longsuffering …

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