
Sermon: Becoming as Children

Jesus told the disciples, “unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 18:3). This sermon discusses some characteristics of children that we as Christians should possess. Outline: Becoming as Children Audio: mp3

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Sermon: Washing Each Other's Feet

In John 13 Jesus used a custom of the time to teach His disciples a lesson. “He poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet” (John 13:5). This was an act of servitude, humility, care, and love. Ppt: Washing Each Other’s Feet Outline: Washing Each Other’s Feet Audio: mp3

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Sermon: The Beatitudes

Sermon 1 of 8 from The Sermon on the Mount. Who will make up the kingdom of God? What benefits come with being in the kingdom? Blessed (happy) are they that… Ppt: The Beatitudes Outline: The Beatitudes Audio: mp3

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