It is obvious to the casual observer that society has experienced, and continues to experience a decay in morality. What causes the downward spiral into immorality, and what are Christians to do in the midst of such moral decay? Ppt: Outline: To download, right-click on the title in the track list and select “Save link …
Continue reading Sermon: The Decay of MoralityImmorality
“For the Lord brought Judah low because of Ahaz king of Israel, for he had encouraged moral decline in Judah and had been continually unfaithful to the Lord.” (2 Chronicles 28:19) Jotham, king of Judah, reigned sixteen years in Jerusalem. He “became mighty, because he prepared his ways before the Lord his God” (2 Chronicles …
Continue reading the Digest (Issue 2.3): Encouraging Moral DeclineThe moral decline in television entertainment continues. In order to appeal to those who revel in immorality the industry must taint itself with abominations. Recently the “family friendly” television network, ABC Family, decided to follow the crowd by changing their brand. Since its start in 1977 the network has targeted a family audience. I.e. seemingly …
Continue reading Notable News: “ABC Family” TV Network Changes to “Freeform”The world we live in is filled with ungodliness. With immorality, and insubordination so rampant, how are we to raise up godly children? The children will grow up to be parents, and how they are raised will determine how they will raise their own. Ppt: Raising Godly Children in an Ungodly World Outline: Raising Godly …
Continue reading Sermon: Raising Godly Children in an Ungodly World
As the homosexual agenda grows Christians must understand how to react to it. What does the bible say about homosexuality? How would Christ react to this growing problem? Ppt: A Christ Like Reaction To Homosexuality Outline: A Christ Like Reaction To Homosexuality Audio: mp3
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Everyone is subject to temptation. Those who overcome, and those who sin, are separated by their tactics in dealing with temptation. The bible says to flee from temptation. Too often we want to flirt with temptation. Outline: Flirting With Temptation. Audio: mp3
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What defines morality? Who decides what is right and wrong? What relationship does this have with man? Ppt: Morality: It’s Relationship to God and Man Outline: Morality: It’s Relationship to God and Man Audio: mp3
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Using 1 Corinthians 5, and 2 Corinthians 2, the topic of church discipline is considered. Ppt: Withdrawing From Disorderly Brethren Outline: Withdrawing From Disorderly Brethren Audio: mp3
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We need to examine our lives in order to maintain spiritual health. Here are some signs that indicate a decline of spiritual health. Ppt: Signs That You Are Dying Spiritually Outline: Signs That You Are Dying Spiritually Audio: mp3
Continue reading Sermon: Signs That You are Dying SpirituallyIn the text, Paul gives the Christians in Thessalonica some exhortations for Christian living. He urges and exhorts them to “abound more and more.” This calls for a constant longing for improvement. There is always room for growth. Paul had given them instruction on how to they “ought to walk and to please God.” This …
Continue reading Pondering Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8