The recent ruling of the Supreme Court to legalize homosexual marriage has been the overwhelming topic of discussion for the past several days. The homosexual agenda is nothing new. The attempt to redefine marriage has been ongoing. There are some that blatantly scorn God without the slightest sign of a hurt conscience. Then there are …
Continue reading Article: What is appointed by God? (Romans 13:1-7)Marriage
This sermon briefly discusses God’s marriage law, and one exception for divorce. Outline: Married For Life, With One Exception Audio: mp3
Continue reading Sermon: Married For Life, With One Exception
Brandon discusses the importance of choosing a mate. This decision should not be based solely on feelings, but on the character of the individual, and their spirituality. Ppt: Choosing a Good Mate Outline: Choosing a Good Mate Audio: mp3
Continue reading Sermon: Choosing a Good Mate (Brandon Chiasson)In the given text, Paul gives an analogy between the marriage relationship, and Christ’s relationship with the church. While Paul is speaking concerning “Christ and the church” (v. 32), the principles contained in the analogy are to be taken as divine instruction from God on how a marriage works. The relationship a wife has to …
Continue reading Pondering Scripture: Ephesians 5:22-24
The home was established by God “in the beginning.” In order to have a successful home that is pleasing to God we must look to scripture for instruction. What is the role of the man, woman, and children? Part two of a two part lesson. Ppt: The Christian Home Outline: The Christian Home Audio: mp3
Continue reading Sermon: The Christian Home (Part 2)
When was the home established? What is the scriptural structure of the home? Part one of a two part lesson. Ppt: The Christian Home Outline: The Christian Home Audio: mp3
Continue reading Sermon: The Christian Home (Part 1)