
“A Famine of the Word of God” Mustang church of Christ Jeremiah Cox
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Amos prophesied judgment against the nation of Israel. As great adversity would come upon them due to their sin, they would long to hear God’s word, but would not be able to. Is it possible that such a famine of the word of God could come upon us today? If we aren’t careful to avoid …

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“A Famine of the Word of God” Elm Street church of Christ Jeremiah Cox
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Amos prophesied judgment and destruction from God to the norther nation of Israel. Along with this there would be a judgment of famine. However, this was no ordinary famine, but a famine of the word of God (cf. Amos 8:11-14). Can there be such a famine today? If we do what the Israelites did to …

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“Godliness with Contentment” Elm Street church of Christ Jeremiah Cox
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“Now godliness with contentment is great gain.” (1 Timothy 6:6) This sermon explores the relationship between godliness and contentment. Godliness with contentment reaches other facets of life beyond material and monetary matters. We must possess a godward piety in conjunction with a contentment. Such is great gain. Ppt: Godliness with Contentment Outline: Godliness with Contentment To download, …

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“Materialism” Elm Street church of Christ Jeremiah Cox
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The child of God is to have his interests, and future invested in the spiritual. This world is not our home, and the treasure we seek is eternal. Materialism is a problem, especially in a country as affluent as America. We must be on guard against this ploy of Satan. Ppt: Materialism Outline: Materialism To download, right-click …

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John 6 – Jesus, having performed signs on the diseased (v. 2), attracted a great multitude. And as He sat elevated on a mount He saw that famished mass of souls coming toward Him – “in number about five thousand” (v. 10). The perceptive Savior was “moved with compassion for them,” not because of their …

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Covetousness is prevalent in the culture of which we are a part. It is a sin that is belittled by many, but is extremely ungodly. By inspiration Paul placed it on the same plane as idolatry (cf. Colossians 3:5). We should avoid covetousness because “those who practice such things are deserving of death” (Romans 1:32). …

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Stan uses Ecclesiastes to refute the concept of an anthropocentric universe (human centered). He then uses Revelation 4 and 5 to establish the truth of a theocentric universe (God centered). Audio: mp3

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Sermon: Signs That You are Dying Spiritually

We need to examine our lives in order to maintain spiritual health. Here are some signs that indicate a decline of spiritual health. Ppt: Signs That You Are Dying Spiritually Outline: Signs That You Are Dying Spiritually Audio: mp3

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Class: Busy Here and There (Brandon Chiasson)

Class taught on 4/30/14 by brother Brandon Chiasson. Audio 1: mp3 Audio 2: mp3

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Sermon: Heavenly Treasure

Sermon 6 of 8 from The Sermon on the Mount. Jesus explains the acceptable perspective of life. We must lay up treasures in heaven rather than focusing on physical things. Jesus deserves our service and attention. Ppt: Heavenly Treasure Outline: Heavenly Treasure Audio: mp3

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