John appeals to his authority as an apostle, and wisdom as an older man, by introducing himself to his readers as “The Elder” (v. 1). His following instruction is from God, and proves to be wise in regard to handling spiritual problems – contextually, false doctrine. His epistle is addressed to “the elect lady and …
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Forgiveness is a big part of Christ’s church. It was founded upon forgiveness and requires it’s members to imitate that characteristic. Outline: Why Forgive? Audio: mp3
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This sermon discusses some of the products of God’s grace. Ppt: Products of the Grace of God Outline: Products of the Grace of God Audio: mp3
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There are various lessons we can learn from the account of Jonah. These lessons are discussed. Outline: Learning from Jonah Audio: mp3
Continue reading Sermon: Learning From JonahIt would be surprising to come across a person who doesn’t know about Jonah. Most that know about Jonah only know that he was swallowed by a “great fish,” and was in its belly for “three days and three nights.” However, being swallowed by the fish is certainly not the most important part of the …
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Sermon 1 of 8 from The Sermon on the Mount. Who will make up the kingdom of God? What benefits come with being in the kingdom? Blessed (happy) are they that… Ppt: The Beatitudes Outline: The Beatitudes Audio: mp3
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