The following lessons were presented by brother Stan Cox of Ft. Worth Texas. The downloadable audio links can be found in the 2016 Sermon Archives.
Continue reading Gospel Meeting with Stan CoxMorality
It is imperative that we understand the concept of holiness. For, God is holy, and He has called us to holiness (cf. 1 Peter 1:13-16). The whole concept of holiness refutes the false concept of a relaxed New Covenant God. Holiness is expected out of God’s disciples every bit as much, if not more, than …
Continue reading Sermon: The Holiness of GodWhat is morality? How do we know the difference between good and evil? What does this mean for us as mankind? Outline: Morality.-Its-Relationship-to-God-and-Man Audio: mp3
Continue reading Sermon: Morality: Its Relationship to God and ManThere is nothing new about global terrorism. Terrorists have plagued the earth in the past, and will continue to do so in the future. There is a common denominator associated with the attacks that is supported by an overwhelming amount of evidence – they have been motivated by the Islamic religion. Recently, terrorists have once …
Continue reading Notable News: Call it what it is!
As the homosexual agenda grows Christians must understand how to react to it. What does the bible say about homosexuality? How would Christ react to this growing problem? Ppt: A Christ Like Reaction To Homosexuality Outline: A Christ Like Reaction To Homosexuality Audio: mp3
Continue reading Sermon: A Christ Like Reaction To Homosexuality
What defines morality? Who decides what is right and wrong? What relationship does this have with man? Ppt: Morality: It’s Relationship to God and Man Outline: Morality: It’s Relationship to God and Man Audio: mp3
Continue reading Sermon: Morality: It’s Relationship to God and Man