One of the reasons Paul left Titus in Crete (cf. 1:5) was to remind those who were “heirs according to the hope of eternal life” (3:7) how to live. A Christian is to submit to authorities, be ready for good works, speak evil of no one, be peaceable, gentle, and humble (cf. 3:1-2). Paul makes …
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If an individual from the 1940’s time traveled to present day they would be dazed and confused. The world we live in is different than it was 70 years ago. There have been changes in everything from technology to culture itself. People talk differently, and some even walk differently. It seems that just about everything …
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The question is simple. Why aren’t you a Christian? Some possible answers to this question are given. There is no good reason to put off becoming a follower of Christ. Outline: Why aren’t you a Christian? Audio: mp3
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This sermon discusses some of the products of God’s grace. Ppt: Products of the Grace of God Outline: Products of the Grace of God Audio: mp3
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The book of Ephesians describes several ways in which we are to walk. These are examined. Outline: Walking in Ephesians Audio: mp3
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The physical body is meant to be temporary. In the New Testament, a tent is used as a metaphor for the body (cf. 2 Corinthians 5:1, 4; 2 Peter 1:13-14). We all know tents to be temporary shelter. When we go camping we bring a tent. When we go home we put the tent away …
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