
In Genesis 16, Hagar called the well where she talked with God, “Beer Lahai Roi”, asking “Have I also here seen Him who sees me?” From this story we learn: 1) God sees our affliction; and, 2) God also makes Himself seen/known. Ppt: Beer Lahai Roi     Outline: Beer Lahai Roi     Audio: mp3

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After feeding the five-thousand in John 6, Jesus used the situation to teach those who were following Him. They were laboring for food which perishes instead of that which endured to eternal life. After further explaining they reacted by saying, “This is a hard saying; who can understand it?” (John 6:60). The sermon discusses the …

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The change of mind with the Jews from Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem to His crucifixion is drastic – from praising Him to murdering Him. Why did such a change occur, and how can we learn from it? Ppt: From the Triumphal Entry to the Cross   Outline: From The Triumphal Entry To The Cross Audio: mp3

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Longing for heaven is manifest in desire and action while living on earth. If someone is longing for heaven it will be apparent by how they live. Ppt: Longing for Heaven     Outline: Longing for Heaven     Audio: mp3

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The Lord calls for us to change. To be transformed by the renewing of our minds. This change promises a type of pain, as change often does. However, the pain of regret in the judgment for those who choose not to change is far greater. Ppt: The Pain of Change or Regret     Outline: The Pain …

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Our Savior has many names given Him by inspiration in the scriptures. Each has a meaning relevant to understanding Him and His relationship to us. The name “Nazarene” is examined, and application is made. Ppt: Jesus – The Nazarene     Outline: Jesus – The Nazarene     Audio: mp3

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Sermon audio of October 4th-9th gospel meeting with Larry Wright of Garden City, Georgia. Study to Show Yourself Approved – mp3 Why Keep Jesus Suffering – mp3 The Act of Worship – mp3 Peacemakers – mp3 Who’s going to make sure you’re raised up? – mp3 How do you stand in the courtroom of God? …

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Colossians 3 describes the life of one who has been raised with Christ in baptism. To grow in Christ you must seek Him, put away the old man, and put on the new man. Outline: Growing in Christ     Audio: mp3

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In Mark 11, Jesus is recorded cursing a fig tree. He used this to teach His disciples. We must bear fruit, have faith, and pray. Ppt: Jesus Curses the Fig Tree     Outline: Jesus Curses the Fig Tree     Audio: mp3

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On our journey to the Promised Land there will be trials of adversity. There will be seemingly daunting tasks. We are to show confidence in God as we are Approaching Jordan’s Bank, unlike unfaithful and disobedient Israel (cf. Hebrews 3:7-19). Ppt: Approaching Jordan’s Bank     Outline: Approaching Jordan’s Bank     Audio: mp3

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