

In the early 1980’s, a once avowed and devoted atheist by the name of Lee Strobel rejected the notion of a godless world and claimed belief in Jesus Christ as the Son of God. After hearing his wife proclaim faith in God, he ruthlessly set out to expose what he believed to be a superstitious, …

Continue reading “The Case for Christ” – A Review

The following sermons were presented by Shane Carrington of Sulphur Springs, Texas. To download one of the sermons, right click on the title, and choose “Save link as…”

Continue reading Gospel Meeting with Shane Carrington

The context of Romans 8:18-30 is considered, with some emphasis on verse 26. Ppt: The Intercession of Our Spirit Outline: The Intercession of Our Spirit Download: mp3

Continue reading Sermon: The Intercession of Our Spirit (Romans 8:26)

Philippians 3 is discussed. We should follow Paul’s example, leaving all for Christ, and continually living to know Him more fully, and seeking to attain to the resurrection. Outline: All for Christ Download: mp3

Continue reading Sermon: All for Christ


Having just described his attitude of pressing on to the “goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (v. 14), Paul encouraged the brethren to follow his example. He does not mean he is the standard, but as he wrote to the Corinthians, “Imitate me, just as I also imitate …

Continue reading Philippians 3:17-4:1

Many have different views concerning the events of the last day. There are several doctrines finding their origin in the minds of men which differ from the Biblical revelation concerning this topic. The events of this day are clearly disclosed by the Holy Spirit in the scriptures, and we must be ready for it. Ppt: …

Continue reading Sermon: The Last Day


This chapter began Paul’s discussion on the resurrection of the dead. This subject is inextricably linked to the resurrection of the Christ. Paul began his reproof of those who “say that there is no resurrection of the dead” in verse 12. Before doing so, however, he set the foundation of his argument that was the …

Continue reading 1 Corinthians 15:1-11


Paul had appealed to Caesar, and Festus intended to send him that direction (cf. 25:9-12), but before doing so, he needed to formulate a letter so as to inform Caesar of Paul’s situation. However, because he was “uncertain of such questions” (25:20) concerning the Jewish religion, Festus turned to Agrippa for assistance in writing such …

Continue reading Acts 26:1-8

As we strive to please God we must remain motivated. We must not grow weary, and forsake the Lord’s will. 2 Corinthians 5 mentions some things which motivated Paul, and should motivate us to remain faithful. Ppt: Motivations for Faithfulness Outline: Motivations for Faithfulness Download: mp3

Continue reading Sermon: Motivations for Faithfulness

Matthew 17:1-9 records the transfiguration of Jesus. The significance of this event is closely related to the discussions Jesus had six days before. This sermon considers the event. Ppt: The Transfiguration of Jesus Outline: The Transfiguration of Jesus Download: mp3

Continue reading Sermon: The Transfiguration of Jesus