“The planet, known as Kepler 186f, named after NASA’s Kepler planet-finding mission, which found it, has a diameter of 8,700 miles, 10 percent wider than Earth, and its orbit lies within the ‘Goldilocks zone’ of its star, Kepler 186 – not too hot, not too cold, where temperatures could allow for liquid water to flow …
Continue reading Notable News: “Scientists Find an ‘Earth Twin’”Salvation

Sermon 8 of 8 from The Sermon on the Mount. Jesus concludes His sermon. We must not only hear all that He says, but we must do all that He says. Then we will be like the man who chose the rock for his foundation. Outline: Founded on the Rock Audio: mp3
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There are many factors in man’s salvation. All must be present in order for man to attain salvation. What are the factors, and what do they accomplish? Ppt: The Factors in Man’s Salvation Outline: The Factors in Man’s Salvation Audio: mp3
Continue reading Sermon: The Factors in Man’s SalvationIt would be surprising to come across a person who doesn’t know about Jonah. Most that know about Jonah only know that he was swallowed by a “great fish,” and was in its belly for “three days and three nights.” However, being swallowed by the fish is certainly not the most important part of the …
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Sermon 5 of 8 from The Sermon on the Mount. Jesus continues to explain how to enter the kingdom your righteousness must exceed that of the scribes’ and Pharisees’. Instead of doing righteous works to be seen by men, all your righteous works must be done for the Father. Outline: All For the Father Audio: mp3
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Love stories are very popular. We’ve seen them acted out in movies, read them in books, and heard about them in song, and conversation. Each story holds a special place in someone’s heart. However, there is a story of love that transcends any that has ever been told. This story should hold a special place …
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“We have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God” (Romans 5:2). Gaining access into grace suggests there are conditions man has to meet. What are these conditions? Ppt: Access by Faith into Grace Outline: Access by Faith into Grace Audio: mp3
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This sermon discusses five accounts in the old testament that point to Christ and the redemption of man. Ppt: Five Fingers Pointing to Christ Outline: Five Fingers Pointing to Christ Audio: mp3
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A Christian has the responsibility to teach the Word of God to all that are in the world. Brad discusses the different tools given by God to be successful in this effort. Audio: mp3
Continue reading Sermon: Tools (Brad Bennett)
Brandon examines the two ways described by Jesus in Matthew 7:13-14. “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there …
Continue reading Sermon: The Narrow Way (Brandon Chiasson)