
“The turning away of the simple will slay them, and the complacency of fools will destroy them” (Proverbs 1:32). Complacency is destructive in general, but especially spiritually. We must fight complacency, and ever strive to grow and improve. Ppt: Outline: To download, right-click on the title in the track list and select “Save link as…”

Continue reading Sermon: Combatting Complacency

1 Kings 19 records the events surrounding Elijah after his victory over the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel. In his despondency, Elijah learned a lesson from God about what God uses to effect His will, and bring others to faithfulness. The power is in His word. Ppt: Outline: To download, right-click on the title …

Continue reading Sermon: The Power of God’s Word

God’s plan is to save man through the gospel – the written inspired word. Has God’s word been preserved for us today? Has it been corrupted? Can we trust that what we have is what God wanted us to have? Through His providence, God has ensured that we have His entire word preserved for us …

Continue reading Sermon: Inspiration and Providence (Part 8 of 8) – The Revelation, Transmission, Integrity, and Canonicity of Scripture

God’s plan is to save man through the gospel – the written inspired word. Has God’s word been preserved for us today? Has it been corrupted? Can we trust that what we have is what God wanted us to have? Through His providence, God has ensured that we have His entire word preserved for us …

Continue reading Sermon: Inspiration and Providence (Part 7 of 8) – The Revelation, Transmission, Integrity, and Canonicity of Scripture

God’s plan is to save man through the gospel – the written inspired word. Has God’s word been preserved for us today? Has it been corrupted? Can we trust that what we have is what God wanted us to have? Through His providence, God has ensured that we have His entire word preserved for us …

Continue reading Sermon: Inspiration and Providence (Part 6 of 8) – The Revelation, Transmission, Integrity, and Canonicity of Scripture

God’s plan is to save man through the gospel – the written inspired word. Has God’s word been preserved for us today? Has it been corrupted? Can we trust that what we have is what God wanted us to have? Through His providence, God has ensured that we have His entire word preserved for us …

Continue reading Sermon: Inspiration and Providence (Part 5 of 8) – The Revelation, Transmission, Integrity, and Canonicity of Scripture

The world is filled with differences among men – races, cultures, governments, values, etc. Despite all these there are shared things. Among these are the necessities of human life. No matter the race, culture, up-bringing, or values, each member of mankind has the dire need for water, food, and oxygen. Without these elements, among others, …

Continue reading Our Relationship with the Word of God

God’s plan is to save man through the gospel – the written inspired word. Has God’s word been preserved for us today? Has it been corrupted? Can we trust that what we have is what God wanted us to have? Through His providence, God has ensured that we have His entire word preserved for us …

Continue reading Sermon: Inspiration and Providence (Part 4 of 8) – The Revelation, Transmission, Integrity, and Canonicity of Scripture

The Bible claims to be inspired by God (cf. 2 Timothy 3:16). Is this claim true? Can we know for sure? It is important that we can answer these questions with certainty, for it is God’s plan to save man through His written word (cf. Romans 1:16). Ppt: Outline: To download, right-click on the title …

Continue reading Sermon: Inspiration and Providence (Part 3 of 8) – Claim and Evidence of Inspiration

The Bible claims to be inspired by God (cf. 2 Timothy 3:16). Is this claim true? Can we know for sure? It is important that we can answer these questions with certainty, for it is God’s plan to save man through His written word (cf. Romans 1:16). Ppt: Outline: To download, right-click on the title …

Continue reading Sermon: Inspiration and Providence (Part 2 of 8) – Claim and Evidence of Inspiration