God has shown His love for Christians in His scheme of redemption. Before the foundation of the world God chose a special people for salvation (cf. Ephesians 1:4). Contrary to Calvinistic doctrine this predestination is not individual. The text clearly states that man obtains salvation “through sanctification by the Spirit and belief in the truth.” …

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Sermon: The Children of God

1 John chapter 3 describes how a child of God should live. It also describes a confidence the child of God can have in Christ. Outline: The Children of God Audio: mp3

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Sermon: Institutionalism and Liberalism

A general comparison of institutionalism and biblical authority for monetarily supporting gospel efforts. Other problems that fall under liberalism are considered as well. Ppt: Institutionalism and Liberalism Outline: Institutionalism and Liberalism Audio: mp3

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Article: How do I identify a false teacher?

False teaching is as old as truth. Peter said, “there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you” (2 Peter 2:1). If there is a truth there will always be a perverted version. Frauds lurk the earth seeking to inflict their false doctrines upon the masses. The …

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Sermon: Living Hope

Christians are begotten to a living hope (cf. 1 Peter 1:3-5). This sermon discusses that hope, and how you can attain it. Ppt: Living Hope Outline: Living Hope Audio: mp3

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Sermon: Choosing a Good Mate (Brandon Chiasson)

Brandon discusses the importance of choosing a mate. This decision should not be based solely on feelings, but on the character of the individual, and their spirituality. Ppt: Choosing a Good Mate Outline: Choosing a Good Mate Audio: mp3

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Sermon: Denominationalism Isn't Biblical

By looking in scripture at the establishment of the church, church membership, and the church’s standard, denominationalism is refuted. Ppt: Denominationalism Isn’t Biblical Outline: Denominationalism Isnt Biblical Audio: mp3

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Sermon: Withdrawing From Disorderly Brethren

Using 1 Corinthians 5, and 2 Corinthians 2, the topic of church discipline is considered. Ppt: Withdrawing From Disorderly Brethren Outline: Withdrawing From Disorderly Brethren Audio: mp3 

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Article: Josiah’s Response to Excuses

If King Josiah heard some of the excuses given for not serving the Lord, I’d expect him to be thoroughly disappointed. I would also expect him to have some good responses to those excuses. The following are a few excuses that might be given for not living acceptably. Based on the account of Josiah in …

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