Article: “It is the Lord. Let Him do what seems good to Him.”

The two sons of Eli strayed far from their calling as priests. Hophni and Phinehas “were corrupt; they did not know the Lord” (1 Samuel 2:12). When offering sacrifices to the Lord, the priests were given a portion of the sacrifice. This portion apparently did not suit Hophni and Phinehas. The two priests took more …

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Sermon: Products of the Grace of God

This sermon discusses some of the products of God’s grace. Ppt: Products of the Grace of God Outline: Products of the Grace of God Audio: mp3

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Sermon: Signs That You are Dying Spiritually

We need to examine our lives in order to maintain spiritual health. Here are some signs that indicate a decline of spiritual health. Ppt: Signs That You Are Dying Spiritually Outline: Signs That You Are Dying Spiritually Audio: mp3

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In the text, Paul gives the Christians in Thessalonica some exhortations for Christian living. He urges and exhorts them to “abound more and more.” This calls for a constant longing for improvement. There is always room for growth. Paul had given them instruction on how to they “ought to walk and to please God.” This …

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Article: "Purer In Heart, O God"

God, with His great wisdom, has commanded us to “let the word of Christ dwell in [us] richly, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs” (Colossians 3:16). With melody and repetition comes memorization. Important ideas and doctrines in scripture are etched in our mind. “Purer In Heart, O God” teaches …

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Sermon: Walking in Ephesians

The book of Ephesians describes several ways in which we are to walk. These are examined. Outline: Walking in Ephesians Audio: mp3

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Sermon: Is God Self-Centered?

Is God self-centered? As we read through scripture this seems to be so. God is self-centered. Everything is centered toward Him. Ppt: Is God Self Centered? Outline: Is God Self-Centered? Audio: mp3

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Sermon: Learning From Jonah

There are various lessons we can learn from the account of Jonah. These lessons are discussed. Outline: Learning from Jonah Audio: mp3

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Class: Busy Here and There (Brandon Chiasson)

Class taught on 4/30/14 by brother Brandon Chiasson. Audio 1: mp3 Audio 2: mp3

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Sermon: Lessons From the Boston Marathon (John Ezell)

Sermon presented on 4/27/14 by brother John Ezell. Audio: mp3

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