Within the text are the closing statements of Paul’s letter to the saints in Rome. In his finishing thoughts there is an assurance given. The subject is “Him who is able to establish you.” Paul explains that God is able to establish them “according to his gospel.” The gospel of which Paul speaks is the …

Continue reading Pondering Scripture: Romans 16:25-27

In the given text we read some of the last words of Stephen. These courageous words spoken by Stephen ultimately led to his demise that is recorded in the following verses (7:54-60). Stephen accuses the audience of being “stiff-necked.” They were unwilling to submit themselves to the teaching of the Holy Spirit. Like a stiff-necked …

Continue reading Pondering Scripture: Acts 7:51-53

Recreation is a gift from God. It is to be used in a righteous manner. However, sometimes we find ourselves abusing recreation in various ways. Outline: Recreation in a Christian’s Life Audio: mp3

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Every person has free will to choose whether or not they do something. There are two wills that cover any, and every action we take. We can either choose God’s will or our own. Ppt: Thy Will vs My Will Outline: Thy Will vs My will Audio: mp3

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The 50th anniversary of the JFK assassination recently passed. The efforts taken to commemorate the event through television programs, magazines, newspapers, and internet proved successful. The minds of those who lived in that time were taken back to the tragic day. Even those who were not alive in that time period, through these different mediums, …

Continue reading Changing With Time

The subject of our text is the Word. The three words that Genesis begins with are the same as the three John uses to begin his gospel, “In the beginning” (Genesis 1:1).John describes the Word as being in the beginning. This Word of which John speaks, we will later learn, is Jesus (1:14-18).This text shows …

Continue reading Pondering Scripture: John 1:1-5

There is a war that every person is involved in. There are only two sides in this war. Whether you like it or not you have already chosen a side. What is this war? Who will be victorious? Outline: Spiritual Warfare Audio: mp3

Continue reading Sermon: Spiritual Warfare

Exegesis of 1 Corinthians 2 draws out applications for Christians. There is a certain wisdom the apostles spoke. This was not their wisdom, rather the wisdom of God given by the Holy Spirit. Outline: Wisdom From God Ppt: Wisdom From God Audio: mp3

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There is a call from Christ that is broadcast to every soul. A call to salvation. A call to submission. A call to discipleship. Will you answer the call? Outline: The Call of Christ Audio: mp3

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In Heaven we will worship God for eternity. Heaven is a wonderful place, and we should all want to go there. However, it seems as though it is not the true desire of some Christians to worship God for eternity. This sermon describes an apathetic Christian. Outline: The Apathetic Christian Audio: mp3

Continue reading Sermon: The Apathetic Christian