John 6 – Jesus, having performed signs on the diseased (v. 2), attracted a great multitude. And as He sat elevated on a mount He saw that famished mass of souls coming toward Him – “in number about five thousand” (v. 10). The perceptive Savior was “moved with compassion for them,” not because of their …
Continue reading The Patternists: Seeking Bread and FishMatthew 19 records Jesus being tested by the Pharisees. They questioned Him on the subject of divorce. Jesus appealed to Genesis to show that marriage is for life, and divorce was never to be considered. He then explained His law concerning marriage, divorce, and remarriage. The only exception to the rule – one man, one …
Continue reading Sermon: Bound in Marriage – “Let not man separate”Jesus stated in Matthew 19 the original design of marriage by God – “So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate” (Matthew 19:6). This is what God intended for mankind. Nevertheless, divorce was rampant among the nations – Israel included. Thus, God permitted …
Continue reading Pondering Scripture: Matthew 5:31-32How far can a husband or wife venture with another before the door of infidelity is opened? Such a question reveals an improper mindset in the first place. In marriage one is bound by God to another (cf. Romans 7:2). There is no leniency! Those who understand this would never give a “free pass” to …
Continue reading Article: Spiritual InfidelitySome suggest the New Testament is only relevant for those who have been given kingdom citizenship – aliens are not subject to the law of Christ. In part, this concept has been used to nullify unscriptural divorces for those who are not Christians. They are told they can remain in an adulterous marriage upon obedience …
Continue reading The Patternists: Violations of the Pattern: The Law of Christ Only Applies to ChristiansWhen considering the necessities for salvation presented in the gospel, and the defense of such, the skeptic will often turn to hypothetical logic – Since the gospel message must be heard to receive salvation there must be exceptions for those who never hear. Yet, the inconsistency of such a thought is seen in the thought …
Continue reading Article: The Deserted Island QuestionThe world view of love is not the same as the Biblical view. The love the Bible describes can be both tough to receive, and to give. This sermon discusses some actions of love that are not always easy, but necessary. Ppt: Tough Love Outline: Tough Love Download: mp3
Continue reading Sermon: Tough Love“But also for this very reason, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue, to virtue knowledge, to knowledge self-control, to self-control perseverance, to perseverance godliness, to godliness brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness love.” (2 Peter 1:5-7) These seven virtues are considered in their context. The need for growth as a Christian is emphasized …
Continue reading Sermon: Fortified Against False TeachersWhat occurs after death? – A question answerable only via Bible consultation. Does there remain a consciousness after death? Despite the clarity of the Holy Script some do not subscribe to the idea of eternal consciousness in hell. Concerning Thayer’s definition of “olethros,” translated “destruction” in 2 Thessalonians 1:9, Homer Hailey wrote, “Thayer defined the …
Continue reading The Patternists: Posthumous ConsciousnessI have always considered an old Bible to be interesting. An old Bible can speak of experience, and diligence. The worn edges tell stories of battle preparation. The wrinkled pages manifest quenched thirst, and satisfied hunger. A worn Bible represents a daily necessity, of which her owner knew well. Yet, even further, an old Bible …
Continue reading Article: An Old Bible