The earth rotates, revolves around the sun, and time continues. With the constant change in time there is a constant change in the events of life. These changes in life do not always work to our favor. In fact, the writer of Ecclesiastes explained, “I returned and saw under the sun that – The race …
Continue reading Article: Christians: Timeless OptimistsThe world is filled with different races, cultures, governments, values, etc. In the midst of all the differences there are common denominators. These commonalities are the necessities of human life. No matter the race, culture, up-bringing, or values, each member of mankind has the dire need of water, food, and oxygen. Without these elements, among …
Continue reading Article: Our Relationship with the Word of GodClass Material: 2 Peter Outlines Audio: Below are links to the audio of the classes on 2 Peter. Introduction Audio: 2 Peter Introduction Chapter Audio 2 Peter 1 1:2-6; 1:6-9; 1:10-18; 1:19-21 2 Peter 2 2:1-10; 2:10-17; 2:17-22 2 Peter 3 3:1-13; 3:14-18
Continue reading Class: 2 PeterThe scripture reveals that God hardened the heart of Pharaoh to fulfill His plan in the Exodus. The Calvinists use this as one of their many proofs of predestination. They teach that by the fore-ordination of God, individuals are either the elect to salvation, or eternally reprobate. This false doctrine is refuted, and the concept …
Continue reading Sermon: He Hardened His HeartThe time of free-agency in any sport can be a time of excitement and hope. Players from all around the league have their contracts expire, and are free to explore their options. The players get excited about the possibilities of making more money, getting on a better team, and furthering their personal careers. Depending on …
Continue reading Notable News: He Is FaithfulLove is emphasized in the Bible. The holy script is almost a dissertation on love. “God is love” (1 John 4:8) and we cannot know Him except through the word (cf. Matthew 11:27; 1 John 1:1-4). It is through the word that we learn “that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, …
Continue reading Article: Why should I love my brother?The apostle Paul did not have a life void of trouble. His responsibilities as an apostle of Christ, and preacher of Christ, included persecution and hardship. As he wrote earlier, “Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution” (3:12). This did not weaken Paul to the point of spiritual …
Continue reading Pondering Scripture: 2 Timothy 4:17-18The recent ruling of the Supreme Court to legalize homosexual marriage has been the overwhelming topic of discussion for the past several days. The homosexual agenda is nothing new. The attempt to redefine marriage has been ongoing. There are some that blatantly scorn God without the slightest sign of a hurt conscience. Then there are …
Continue reading Article: What is appointed by God? (Romans 13:1-7)God chose Moses to be the one to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. When God appeared to Moses at the burning bush with this request, Moses resisted with excuses. God replied to every one, and Moses obeyed in the end. Application is made. Ppt: The Excuses of Moses Outline: The Excuses of Moses Audio: …
Continue reading Sermon: The Excuses of MosesJesus taught how to pray in His sermon on the mount. The model prayer in Matthew 6 is full of important principles of prayer, and the life of a child of God. This model prayer is examined. Ppt: In this manner, therefore, pray Outline: In this manner, therefore, pray Audio: mp3
Continue reading Sermon: “In this manner, therefore, pray”