Sermon audio of March 8-11 gospel meeting with Roy Fenner of Highlands, Texas.
What is Faith? (Class)
Roy uses Hebrews 11 to discuss the concept of faith, how it looks, and what it does for the one who has it.
Audio: mp3
Church Membership Matters
Roy discusses responsibilities of members of the Lord’s body, and why they are important.
Audio: mp3
Discipleship: Becoming As Our Teacher
Roy explains what a disciple is, and how a disciple acts.
Audio: mp3
Hear And Do: An Appeal To Obedience
Roy discusses obedience, and how it is necessary. Hearing the word is not beneficial unless the hearing leads to action.
Audio: mp3
A Challenge To Godliness
Roy uses Joshua 24 to discuss a call to godliness. Joshua presented a challenge before the Israelites to serve God. That same challenge is given to us today.
Audio: mp3
Will Your Faith Be Remembered?
Roy uses the twelve spies in Numbers 13-14 as an example of faith, and lack thereof. Those who trusted in God’s provision had a faith that is remembered.
Audio: mp3