The text records events “before the Feast of the Passover” (v. 1). Jesus final moments before His imminent death He took as an opportunity to teach His disciples. Contained in these seventeen verses is a lesson of paramount importance to our salvation, and our lives of discipleship in this foreign land. “After that, He poured …
Continue reading Pondering Scripture: John 13:1-17Jeremiah Cox
Class Material: 1 Peter Outlines Audio: Below are links to the audio of the classes on 1 Peter. Introduction Audio: 1 Peter Introduction Chapter Audio 1 Peter 1 1:3-12; 1:13-25 1 Peter 2 2:1-12; 2:13-20; 2:20-25 1 Peter 3 3:1-4; 3:5-7; 3:8-16; 3:17-22 1 Peter 4 4:1-6; 4:7-11; 4:12-19 1 Peter 5 5:1-14
Continue reading Class: The First Epistle of PeterOn the road to Damascus the Lord appeared to Saul. Luke’s record reveals, “Then Saul arose from the ground, and when his eyes were opened he saw no one…and he was three days without sight” (Acts 9:8-9). Saul was blind, but his eyes were opened to some things after his encounter with Christ. Outline: Saul’s …
Continue reading Sermon: Saul’s Blind SightAs Christians we are identified with Jesus. This identity is not, and should not be, secretive. It should be apparent to the world that we are identified with Jesus. Ppt: Identified With Jesus Outline: Identified With Jesus Audio: mp3
Continue reading Sermon: Identified With JesusMany in the religious world falsely claim to have the gift of speaking in tongues. This spiritual gift was among the most popular in the first century (cf. 1 Corinthians 14), and is apparently sought after today. However, by “rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15) an honest heart comes to the realization …
Continue reading The Patternists: Violations of the Pattern: Biblical Tongue Speaking Occurs TodayRecently, while waiting in line to buy a drink at a gas station, I noticed a tattoo on the back of a girl’s neck. The tattoo read, “Love is a gamble.” Sadly, this sentiment is expressed by many. Fortunately, the love to which this tattoo refers is not the same with which our Creator loves …
Continue reading Article: Love Never FailsThe given text records Jesus appealing to His disciples as light. Jesus is light come into the world to expose the darkness (cf. John 1:4-5). As followers of His, we must let His light shine in us! This requires a boldness to let our light shine, rather than covering it up. In order to become …
Continue reading Pondering Scripture: Luke 11:33-36On our journey to heaven we are given many choices. When we come to these forks in the road, we must be able to discern right from wrong, and choose the former. Ppt: Some Forks In The Road Outline: Some Forks in the Road Audio: mp3
Continue reading Sermon: Some Forks In The RoadWhy did the people’s perception of Jesus change so drastically in the few days between the “Triumphal Entry” and His crucifixion? This sermon examines the text of John 12, and makes application. Ppt: From The Triumphal Entry To The Cross Outline: From The Triumphal Entry To The Cross Audio: mp3
Continue reading Sermon: From The Triumphal Entry To The CrossThe given text records our Lord’s entry into Jerusalem that many refer to as, “The Triumphal Entry.” In the text, Jesus gives a commission to two of His disciples to enter a village, and bring to Him a colt that would be tied up near the entrance. His disciples followed the orders given them, and …
Continue reading Pondering Scripture: Mark 11:1-11