Jeremiah Cox

The great commission given to the disciples by Jesus is also applicable to Christians today. Within the great commission there are four “all’s” that are both instructive, and encouraging. Outline: All’s of the Great Commission Audio: mp3

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Maintaining unity within a local congregation is imperative. In Ephesians 4, the apostle Paul mentions some characteristics that are necessary for each individual to posses in order to “keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Ephesians 4:3). Ppt: Keys To Unity     Outline: Keys To Unity     Audio: mp3

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Unselfish – In order to maintain unity within a local congregation, one must have the mind of Christ. “Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the …

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After experiencing the vision of the Macedonian plea for help (cf. 16:9-10), Paul – along with the company of Silas, Timothy, and Luke – journeyed to Philippi to preach the gospel. God’s plan to preach the gospel to the Jews led Paul firstly to the synagogue upon entering a city. However, Philippi had no synagogue, …

Continue reading Pondering Scripture: Acts 16:11-15

Jeff discusses the importance of redeeming our time while on earth. He points out some ways in which God expects us to redeem our time. Ppt: Redeeming the Time     Audio: mp3

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John 1:1-5 is a powerful text that reveals evidence of Jesus’ nature, and purpose. Also, within those 5 verses we see an infallible, and indestructible plan for mankind. Ppt: In The Beginning Was The Word: A Plan For Mankind Outline: In The Beginning Was The Word: A Plan For Mankind  Audio: mp3

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“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Psalm 119:105). We live in a world of darkness, and “he who walks in darkness does not know where he is going” (John 12:35). Without light we would be utterly lost and without hope. However, just as light shining in a …

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John chapter 13 records an important event in the life of Jesus. In the moments leading up to His death on the cross, Jesus took time to teach His disciples some final lessons. “[Jesus] rose from supper and laid aside His garments, took a towel and girded Himself. After that, He poured water into a …

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The text records events “before the Feast of the Passover” (v. 1). Jesus final moments before His imminent death He took as an opportunity to teach His disciples. Contained in these seventeen verses is a lesson of paramount importance to our salvation, and our lives of discipleship in this foreign land. “After that, He poured …

Continue reading Pondering Scripture: John 13:1-17

Class Material: 1 Peter Outlines Audio: Below are links to the audio of the classes on 1 Peter. Introduction Audio: 1 Peter Introduction Chapter Audio 1 Peter 1 1:3-12; 1:13-25 1 Peter 2 2:1-12; 2:13-20; 2:20-25 1 Peter 3 3:1-4; 3:5-7; 3:8-16; 3:17-22 1 Peter 4 4:1-6; 4:7-11; 4:12-19 1 Peter 5 5:1-14

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