Jeremiah Cox

It is important that we count our blessings to see all that God does for us. We need to constantly thank Him for these blessings. He deserves our praise. The counting of blessings is also a source of strength and encouragement. Ppt: Count Your Blessings Outline: Count Your Blessings Download: mp3

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This sermon examines Colossians 1 to discover the requirement of living A Christ Centered Life, and what exactly that means. Outline: A Christ Centered Life Download: mp3

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The Bible speaks against negligence. God has work for us to do, and expects us to do it. Those who choose to neglect the work God has given for them to do would do well to understand the end of such – eternal punishment. “Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and …

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Many talk about KNOWING God, but do they? Many talk about LOVING God, but do they? Many talk about ABIDING in God’s love, but do they? The many claim to KNOW God, LOVE God, and ABIDE in God’s love, but their actions show otherwise. In part of Jesus’ response to Philip’s question (cf. John 14:8), …

Continue reading Facebook: Knowing, Loving, and Abiding by Keeping


Receiving one whom God has received aligns us with God Himself – “By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:35). It is the mark of true discipleship, and is manifest evidence of a fuller understanding of Christ’s redemptive work (cf. 1 John 3:16-17). For …

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Paul began his second epistle to the Thessalonians as usual. He named himself, and those with him – “Silvanus (Roman for Silas), and Timothy.” Both men accompanied Paul throughout parts of his ministry. Timothy was especially dear to Paul (cf. 1 Timothy 1:2; 2 Timothy 1:2). The epistle is addressed to the assembly “of the …

Continue reading 2 Thessalonians 1:1-5


Having just outlined proper conduct which the Thessalonians should be careful to observe, Paul moved to prayers on their behalf. Such conduct is the process of sanctification. As we grow closer to God by gaining a fuller knowledge of Him and His will, and by subsequent participation in His will, we are being further set …

Continue reading 1 Thessalonians 5:23-28


The scriptural principles regarding fellowship are as clear as any other subject. However, clarity of scripture does not change the fact of hardened hearts. Some receive others into fellowship when they have no authority to do so, and some refuse to receive others into fellowship when they have the obligation to do so. Both actions …

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This is the last section of the epistle before Paul concludes with his final greetings. It is that which follows the foundation laid by Paul concerning Christ’s preeminence (1:15-23), the negative remarks concerning the Colossian heresy (2:1ff), and the applications concerning the Christian’s duties before the Preeminent One (3:1-4:6). After emphasizing their need to do …

Continue reading Colossians 4:2-6


As was noted previously, fellowship with God and man is contingent upon one thing. It is that which inheres in the term “fellowship.” “God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth” …

Continue reading Fellowship 3 – Fellowship Between Men