Jeremiah Cox

1 Samuel 17 records the story of David and Goliath. This familiar account is considered, and some points with application are made. Ppt: Lessons From David and Goliath Outline: Lessons From David and Goliath Download: mp3

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God’s word gives guidance to our lives. Everything we do can be directed by the Scriptures in some way. This is especially so with regard to the planning we do in various facets of our lives. James touched on this concept in the fourth chapter of his epistle. The lesson considers the text of James …

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Men draw up plans for various facets of their lives. There are times when these plans find success, and times when things do not pan out. The lack of control men have is manifest in the frequency of their failed plans. Sometimes big plans fall through, and sometimes small. Regardless of the time and effort …

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John noted his joy in that he found his readers walking in the truth (v. 4). This joy comes from the fact that walking in the truth, or abiding in the “doctrine of Christ,” puts us in fellowship with God, and Jesus (v. 9). On the other hand, he rejoices in what they are not …

Continue reading 2 John 9-13

Matthew 17:1-9 records the transfiguration of Jesus. The significance of this event is closely related to the discussions Jesus had six days before. This sermon considers the event. Ppt: The Transfiguration of Jesus Outline: The Transfiguration of Jesus Download: mp3

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Can we be sure of our standing with God? Can we know that, upon our demise or Jesus’ return, we will be “found by Him in peace” (2 Peter 3:14)? The readers of John’s 1st epistle lacked confidence in their standing with God because of the deceivers in their midst. John wrote, “These things I …

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While hanging upon the cross, before “He breathed His last,” Jesus said, “Father, ‘into Your hands I commit My spirit’” (Luke 23:46). It is interesting that the Hebrew writer penned, “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God” (Hebrews 10:31). It is noted that Jesus COMMITTED His spirit into …

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The Gnostic false teachers were trying to undercut the confidence of the Christians of John’s audience. He wrote that they may know their standing with God. The end of chapter 2 affirmed that, “everyone who practices righteousness is born of Him” (2:29). It is this fact that John expounded upon with such excitement. To be …

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“Resolving Doubts” – A consideration of Psalm 73. The wicked prosper, and the righteous suffer. This may lead to doubt, and discouragement, but the Psalm of Asaph shows us the blessedness of following the Lord. “Is constant contact with brethren important?” – The need for continued exhortation among the brethren is considered by examining the …

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“These [Bereans] were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so.” (Acts 17:11) Our gospel meeting starts this week! Brother Pittman has put forth diligence in preparation of eight sermons from God’s word. While we …

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