Jeremiah Cox

The Lord calls for us to change. To be transformed by the renewing of our minds. This change promises a type of pain, as change often does. However, the pain of regret in the judgment for those who choose not to change is far greater. Ppt: The Pain of Change or Regret     Outline: The Pain …

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Our Savior has many names given Him by inspiration in the scriptures. Each has a meaning relevant to understanding Him and His relationship to us. The name “Nazarene” is examined, and application is made. Ppt: Jesus – The Nazarene     Outline: Jesus – The Nazarene     Audio: mp3

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When God chose Moses to lead His people out of Egypt, the scripture records he hesitated and gave several excuses to God. God answered each of them in such a way that rendered them invalid. We can learn from Moses’ excuses by not making them our own as we are called to spread the gospel …

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Calvinistic doctrine is rampant in the “Christian” society. It presents itself in bits and pieces throughout the denominations. The doctrines of Calvin pose a threat to even the Lord’s church. Hints of the doctrine of the substitutionary life of Christ, and the transfer of His righteousness to the believer are evident in language used by …

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Sermon audio of October 4th-9th gospel meeting with Larry Wright of Garden City, Georgia. Study to Show Yourself Approved – mp3 Why Keep Jesus Suffering – mp3 The Act of Worship – mp3 Peacemakers – mp3 Who’s going to make sure you’re raised up? – mp3 How do you stand in the courtroom of God? …

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The Lord’s church has continually been indicted with the “evil” of conservatism by those in the world. “Your church is too traditional” they might say. Conservative, to the world, carries with it mundanity. It is interesting that the antipathy the modern religious world has for traditional values does not see the inherent negativity in their …

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It is not logical to view the Creator of the universe as One who makes arbitrary decisions. Every action taken by God has behind it a logical and righteous explanation – although some things are left secret, and those belong to Him (cf. Deuteronomy 29:29). The Bible has been given as a revelation of all …

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Recently, “The View” invited presidential candidates to discuss various topics brought up in their campaign. Dr. Ben Carson was asked about his “view” concerning evolution. The short conversation on this particular topic showed the lack of consistency and logic with those who are advocates of evolution. Joy Behar: “I know…you’re a scientist and yet I …

Continue reading Notable News: “The View” of Evolution

“The way of man is not in himself; it is not in man who walks to direct his own steps” (Jeremiah 10:23). This takes humility to accept. The world has rejected this view of life. It is considered demeaning to depend on someone’s guidance. To heed counsel from another shows weakness. Yet, competence is not …

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Our God is described as One who is infinitely wise – “Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God” (Romans 11:33)! The concept of wisdom screams logic. It is always logical in that it identifies truth. Behind every command from God is sound logic. Whether we immediately come to …

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