Paul warned Timothy of a coming apostasy in 1 Timothy 4. He then gave Timothy some personal instruction as a minister of the gospel concerning instructing the brethren of said error. The chapter stands as a blueprint for us to follow in arming ourselves against the danger of departing from the faith. Ppt: Armed Against Apostasy …
Continue reading Sermon: Armed Against ApostasySermons
In Acts 3, Peter and John came across a man that was lame from birth laid at the gate called “Beautiful” asking for alms. Peter gave him more than he could have ever imagined, healing him completely. However, what Peter went on to do in preaching Jesus and offering the forgiveness of sins shows even …
Continue reading Sermon: “Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you”Paul’s first epistle to Timothy was for him to know about proper conduct within the house of God. In conducting themselves accordingly, Christians in a local church act as the pillar and ground of the truth. They support the great mystery of godliness. Ppt: The House of God, and the Mystery of Godliness Outline: The House of …
Continue reading Sermon: The House of God, and the Mystery of GodlinessIn Mark 3:31-35, Jesus manifested a spiritual perspective which we would do well to gain ourselves. His emphasis was on faith, He evaluated the spiritual fellowship above any physical connection, and He showed that His followers are blessed as a part of His family. Ppt: Faith, Fellowship, and Family Outline: Faith, Fellowship, and Family To download, right …
Continue reading Sermon: Faith, Fellowship, and FamilyIn 1 Timothy 2:11-15, Paul addressed the role of submission in which God placed women. This must be accepted and obeyed regardless of what society we live in. It is noted as a matter of the order of creation, and the transgression of Eve in the beginning. Ppt: The God Ordained Role of Women Outline: The God …
Continue reading Sermon: The God Ordained Role of WomenThe display of Christ’s love for us in His death on the cross urges us to act in various ways toward Him and God. “For the love of Christ compels us” (2 Corinthians 5:14) to be devoted to God’s will, obedient to God’s will, to abstain from sin, to present ourselves as a living sacrifice, …
Continue reading Sermon: The Love of Christ Compels UsChristians are to be those who profess godliness. The attire of a Christian should be consistent with this profession. Principles of godliness throughout scripture like holiness, love for fellow man, influence in the world, and raising children in godliness should be carefully considered in the topic of modest attire. Ppt: Concerning Modesty – Applying Principles of …
Continue reading Sermon: Concerning Modesty – Applying Principles of GodlinessIf our loved ones who have passed away were here – with the knowledge they have attained in their experience of death, and what comes after – what might they say to us? Ppt: If they were here what would they say? Outline: If they were here what would they say? To download, right-click on the title …
Continue reading Sermon: If they were here what would they say?When considering modesty there are two opposite ends of the spectrum. Ostentatious (excessive) dress and sexually attractive (insufficient) dress. This sermon considers each as they contrast with the godly character the Christian is to profess with their dress. Ppt: Concerning Modesty – Ostentatious and Sexually Attractive Dress Outline: Concerning Modesty – Ostentatious and Sexually Attractive Dress To …
Continue reading Sermon: Concerning Modesty – Ostentatious and Sexually Attractive Dress (Parts 1&2)As he instructed Titus about things fitting for “sound doctrine,” Paul wrote for him to exhort bondservants to act with integrity and goodness in their service “that they may adorn the doctrine of God our Savior in all things” (Titus 2:10). The power of God to salvation is in the gospel of Christ, but we …
Continue reading Sermon: Adorning the Doctrine of God