
This sermon is a consideration of the name given Jesus, “Mighty God,” in Isaiah 9:6. Ppt: And His name will be called Mighty God Outline: And His name will be called Mighty God Download: mp3

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Those who fail to realize the importance of following the pattern set in God’s word would do well to consider that God is A God of Order. He demands that we submit to the Divine order He has established. Ppt: A God of Order Outline: A God of Order Download: mp3

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In 1 Corinthians 10:1-5, Paul gave the example of the Israelite’s fall in the wilderness, despite the spiritual provision from Christ, in order to warn the Corinthians about apostasy. In order to please God, and have life spiritually, we have to follow what the word says, and stay away from sin. Ppt: That Spiritual Rock …

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“He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will be destroyed” (Proverbs 13:20). We should seriously consider who we associate with, for our companions will greatly influence us. It is beneficial to walk with those who, through age and experience, have gained wisdom. They have something to offer that …

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Many have different views concerning the events of the last day. There are several doctrines finding their origin in the minds of men which differ from the Biblical revelation concerning this topic. The events of this day are clearly disclosed by the Holy Spirit in the scriptures, and we must be ready for it. Ppt: …

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“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; Who can know it?” (Jeremiah 17:9) Man is capable of self-deception. Many deceive themselves about sin, God’s judgments, and the relationship between salvation and the Word of God. It is foolish to deceive ourselves. We must accept the truth, and follow it. Ppt: Do Not …

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The reign of king Josiah is considered, and applications are made for the Christian. Ppt: The Reign of King Josiah Outline: The Reign of King Josiah Download: mp3

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This sermon concisely considers the issues surrounding Homer Hailey’s error on marriage, divorce, and remarriage. Ed Harrell wrote an article in Christianity Magazine defending Hailey, and subsequently published 16 articles on “The Bounds of Christian Unity.” The error taught on the subject of fellowship to justify continued fellowship with a false teacher, specifically the misuse …

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This sermon is an exegetical treatment of Romans 14. The apostle Paul addressed the problem of strife between brethren in the context of liberties. How are Christians supposed to conduct themselves in matters of indifference and conscience? Ppt: Our Liberties and Our Love Outline: Our Liberties and Our Love Download: mp3

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In 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8, the apostle Paul noted the importance of sexual purity within the life of sanctification. Christians are supposed to abstain from the depraved sexually immoral life by maintaining control of their bodies, instead of giving into the sexual appetite like those who do not know God. Ppt: Sexual Purity Outline: Sexual Purity …

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