“Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them” (Romans 12:6). The local church is composed of members with various roles and abilities. Each member has something he or she is able to do in contribution to the local work. The Lord requires active membership. Ppt: “Having …
Continue reading Sermon: “Having then gifts…let us use them”Sermons
After Christ was risen from the dead, and before He ascended to heaven, He commissioned His disciples to spread the gospel, making disciples (cf. Matthew 28:18-20). An important facet of the message they were to proclaim included the resurrection of Christ. Christ’s resurrection led to His ascension to the right hand of God, where He …
Continue reading Sermon: The Risen Lord and His CommissionSuffering is a fact of life. Christians must know how to view suffering, and how to react to it. Suffering can promote growth in the Christian who views it from a distance, or experiences it personally. Ppt: God, Us, and Suffering Outline: God, Us, and Suffering Download: mp3
Continue reading Sermon: God, Us, and SufferingSin makes the tender heart feel the sting of guilt. This guilt exists so that we can know the ugly nature of sin, and its consequences. In Christ Jesus, this guilt can be taken away. Ppt: The Guilt of Sin Outline: The Guilt of Sin Download: mp3
Continue reading Sermon: The Guilt of Sin“For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace” (Romans 8:6). By examining the text of Romans 8:1-17, the concept of spiritual mindedness is considered. Our spirit should always be our top priority. In order to have spiritual life, we must be pleasing to God. Then, we will …
Continue reading Sermon: Spiritually Minded1 Samuel 8 records God’s people requesting a king. The request came from a desire to be like the surrounding nations. Israel had no physical king, but were given judges. Although God served as their king, and was continually faithful to them given their own faithfulness, they were not content. The attitude they expressed is …
Continue reading Sermon: That We May Be Like All the NationsThe “day of the Lord” was used in the Old Testament in reference to days of destruction, revenge, punishment, and also deliverance. It is used in the New Testament to refer to the second coming of Christ when He will judge the world – sentencing everlasting punishment to evil doers, and everlasting salvation to the …
Continue reading Sermon: The Day of the LordThe Hebrew word, “hesed,” is found in the Old Testament 247 times. Many times, it is translated into “lovingkindness.” However, because of the deep meaning found in the Hebrew, it is also translated into several other English words (mercy, kindness, faithfulness, goodness, etc.). It is not only a central theme of the Old Testament, but …
Continue reading Sermon: Lovingkindness (Hesed)“I have made a covenant with my eyes; Why then should I look upon a young woman?” (Job 31:1). It is important that we commit ourselves to righteousness. In doing so, we must learn how to avert our eyes. We must not look into various things if we seek to please God. Ppt: A Covenant …
Continue reading Sermon: A Covenant With My EyesPhilippians 2:19-24 contains Paul’s informing of the Philippians that he would send Timothy to them. He explains why he chose to send Timothy. Three points are made concerning Timothy’s good reputation as a faithful Christian. We would do well to emulate him. Ppt: A Reputation Like Timothy’s Outline: A Reputation Like Timothy’s Download: mp3
Continue reading Sermon: A Reputation Like Timothy’s