
In Matthew 6, Jesus gave a model prayer. With this example we can better our prayer life, and gain perspective as a Christian. Ppt: In this manner, therefore, pray     Outline: In this manner, therefore, pray     Audio: mp3

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The letter to the church in Smyrna in Revelation includes the exhortation to remain faithful even to the point of death. This is a mindset all Christians must have. Are you willing to die for Christ’s sake? Ppt: Faithful Until Death     Outline: Faithful Until Death     Audio: mp3

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The scripture reveals that God hardened the heart of Pharaoh to fulfill His plan in the Exodus. The Calvinists use this as one of their many proofs of predestination. They teach that by the fore-ordination of God, individuals are either the elect to salvation, or eternally reprobate. This false doctrine is refuted, and the concept …

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God chose Moses to be the one to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. When God appeared to Moses at the burning bush with this request, Moses resisted with excuses. God replied to every one, and Moses obeyed in the end. Application is made. Ppt: The Excuses of Moses     Outline: The Excuses of Moses     Audio: …

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Jesus taught how to pray in His sermon on the mount. The model prayer in Matthew 6 is full of important principles of prayer, and the life of a child of God. This model prayer is examined. Ppt: In this manner, therefore, pray     Outline: In this manner, therefore, pray Audio: mp3

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Brandon discusses some false views about the second coming of Christ in contrast with what the Bible says about that great day. Audio: mp3

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The apostle Paul makes a strong point in 1 Corinthians 10 about the ever-present danger of apostasy. He wrote, “Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall” (v. 12). This sermon discusses the context of this passage which begins in chapter 8 and ends in chapter 11 verse 1. Outline: Take …

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Paul described the church as “the pillar and ground of the truth” (1 Timothy 3:15). This sermon discusses the concept of the church serving God in this capacity. Ppt: The Pillar and Ground of the Truth     Outline: The Pillar and Ground of the Truth     Audio: mp3

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1 Samuel 2-4 records the actions of Eli and his sons. His sons were corrupt priests who serve as an example of how we shouldn’t act. We can learn from Eli’s reaction to their evil deeds, and from his admirable interest and concern for the things of God. Ppt: Eli and His Sons     Outline: Eli …

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