
The scripture reveals how a Christian is to interact with the world. 1 Peter 2:11-12 gives five facets of our relationship with, and responsibility to, the world. Ppt: Christians and the World     Outline: Christians and the World     Audio: mp3

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Mark 11:12-26 records an opportunity Jesus took to teach His disciples. It is filled with various lessons that are meant for followers of Christ – bearing fruit, faith, and praying. Ppt: Jesus Curses the Fig Tree     Outline: Jesus Curses the Fig Tree     Audio: mp3

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Comparing ourselves with ourselves and others is hardly ever a good idea. However, comparing ourselves with God is an expectation from Him. What if God gave like you give? What if God forgave like you forgive? What if God behaved like you behave? What if God warned like you warn? These are a few questions …

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Change does not come easy. There is often pain involved. However, enduring that pain will prove beneficial if you are changing to please God. On the other hand, the pain of regretting to change is never beneficial, and lasts much longer. Which will you choose? Ppt: The Pain of Change or Regret     Outline: The Pain …

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The great commission given to the disciples by Jesus is also applicable to Christians today. Within the great commission there are four “all’s” that are both instructive, and encouraging. Outline: All’s of the Great Commission Audio: mp3

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Maintaining unity within a local congregation is imperative. In Ephesians 4, the apostle Paul mentions some characteristics that are necessary for each individual to posses in order to “keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Ephesians 4:3). Ppt: Keys To Unity     Outline: Keys To Unity     Audio: mp3

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Jeff discusses the importance of redeeming our time while on earth. He points out some ways in which God expects us to redeem our time. Ppt: Redeeming the Time     Audio: mp3

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John 1:1-5 is a powerful text that reveals evidence of Jesus’ nature, and purpose. Also, within those 5 verses we see an infallible, and indestructible plan for mankind. Ppt: In The Beginning Was The Word: A Plan For Mankind Outline: In The Beginning Was The Word: A Plan For Mankind  Audio: mp3

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On the road to Damascus the Lord appeared to Saul. Luke’s record reveals, “Then Saul arose from the ground, and when his eyes were opened he saw no one…and he was three days without sight” (Acts 9:8-9). Saul was blind, but his eyes were opened to some things after his encounter with Christ. Outline: Saul’s …

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As Christians we are identified with Jesus. This identity is not, and should not be, secretive. It should be apparent to the world that we are identified with Jesus. Ppt: Identified With Jesus     Outline: Identified With Jesus     Audio: mp3

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