
Love is the crux of scripture. It is the cornerstone of our faith. It is paramount in our salvation. Love can be both positive, and negative. The ultimate condition is placed upon the object of our love. The Bible describes various things we are encouraged, and expected to love. However, it also reveals certain objects, …

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This sermon discusses what the resurrection of Christ accomplishes. Ppt: The Significance of Christ’s Resurrection   Outline: The Significance of Christ’s Resurrection   Audio: mp3

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This sermon discusses things accomplished by Christ’s crucifixion. Ppt: The Significance of Christ’s Crucifixion   Outline: The Significance of Christ’s Crucifixion   Audio: mp3

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Christ’s disciples responded to a difficult expectation by saying “Increase our faith” (Luke 17:5). This sermon discusses the reason for their response, and Jesus’ reaction. Application is then made. Ppt: Increase our faith     Outline: Increase our faith     Audio: mp3

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Paul, via inspiration, describes the apostles as “the fragrance of Christ” (2 Corinthians 2:15). For they “[diffuse] the fragrance of His knowledge in every place” (2:14). This is also an expectation for all Christians. This lesson discusses what it means to be “The Fragrance of Christ.” Ppt: The Fragrance of Christ     Outline: The Fragrance of …

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There is a lot we can learn by observing the apostle Paul’s life. He told the church at Corinth to imitate him as he imitated Christ (cf. 1 Corinthians 11:1). Ppt: Being a Paul     Outline: Being a Paul     Audio: mp3

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Many individuals claim to have a relationship with Jesus. This relationship is on their own terms. What does the Bible say about Christ’s relationship with believers? Does this relationship match the one you claim to have? Ppt: Having A Relationship With Christ     Outline: Having A Relationship With Christ     Audio: mp3

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Pride is destructive because God hates it, and it is sin. It proves destructive in many ways. Christians should be humble, not proud and arrogant. Ppt: Destructive Pride     Outline: Destructive Pride     Audio: mp3  

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The apostle Paul was viewed by some as being beside himself. By preaching the word, and living by it, he was seen as different. As Christians we can expect the same. This sermon discusses a few topics that Christians are expected to be involved in that would seem crazy, or different to the world. Ppt: Beside …

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While we are living in our temporal dwelling place we should always seek to please God. Proverbs 6:16-19 discusses seven things that are an abomination to the Lord. The opposite of those seven prove to be pleasing to the Lord. Outline: 7 Things That Please God     Audio: mp3  

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