
Jesus said to “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness” (Matthew 6:33). What does it mean to seek God’s righteousness? This lesson discusses that topic. Ppt: Seeking God’s Righteousness  Outline: Seeking God’s Righteousness  Audio: mp3  

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Job said, “I have made a covenant with my eyes; Why then should I look upon a young woman?” (Job 31:1). This sermon discusses that sentiment. Ppt: Make a Covenant With Your Eyes     Outline: Make a Covenant With Your Eyes     Audio: mp3

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Sin comes with a load of guilt that weighs on our consciences. This guilt is there for a reason. This guilt can be removed. Ppt: Sin’s Guilt     Outline: Sin’s Guilt     Audio: mp3

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Forgiveness is a big part of Christ’s church. It was founded upon forgiveness and requires it’s members to imitate that characteristic. Outline: Why Forgive?     Audio: mp3

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As we welcome the New Year we should resolve to be better Christians during it. This lesson discusses six aspects of our lives as Christians we should resolve to improve upon. Ppt: New Year’s Resolutions For 2015 Outline: New Year’s Resolutions For 2015 Audio: mp3

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The Hebrew writer warns his readers about drifting away. He makes the argument that disobedience was punished under the old law, and disobedience surely will be punished under the new. The gospel has not only been spoken by the Lord Himself, but was confirmed by the apostles, and God also bore witness (cf. Hebrews 2:1-4). …

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Jesus is given many names, titles, and descriptions. Paul says in 1 Timothy 2:5 that there is “one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus.” This lesson discusses that fact. Ppt: One Mediator Between God and Men Outline: One Mediator Between God and Men Audio: mp3

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This sermon uses Hebrews 12:16-17 to discuss the idea of selling your birthright. How much would you sell it for? Or how much would you give to secure it? Audio: mp3

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A study of Galatians 3 shows the purpose the old law served, and the position individuals were in under it. Salvation is through Christ, by promise, not of merit. Outline: O Foolish Galatians Audio: mp3

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