
Sermon: What is truth?

What is truth? Can we know the truth? We understand the Bible is God’s word, but can we understand what it means? Jesus said, “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32). Ppt: What is truth? Outline: What is truth? Audio: mp3

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Sermon: The Law Fulfilled

Sermon 3 of 8 from The Sermon on the Mount. Christ did not come to destroy the Law or prophets. He came to fulfill them. He was obedient to the entire Law, just as we are to be under the New Covenant. Outline: The Law Fulfilled Audio: mp3

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Sermon: "Be Strong and Courageous"

After Moses died the great responsibility of leading God’s people was placed on Joshua’s shoulders. The Lord encouraged and commanded him to be strong and courageous. This is also an admonition to Christians. Ppt: Be Strong and Courageous Outline: Be Strong and Courageous Audio: mp3

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Sermon: The World's Salt and Light

Sermon 2 of 8 from The Sermon on the Mount. Jesus describes His disciples as the salt of the earth, and the light of the world. These metaphors are explained. Ppt: The World’s Salt and Light Outline: The World’s Salt and Light Audio: mp3

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Sermon: If then you were raised with Christ

A textual study of Colossians 3 reveals instructions and expectations for Christians. Outline: If then you were raised with Christ Audio: mp3

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Sermon: The Beatitudes

Sermon 1 of 8 from The Sermon on the Mount. Who will make up the kingdom of God? What benefits come with being in the kingdom? Blessed (happy) are they that… Ppt: The Beatitudes Outline: The Beatitudes Audio: mp3

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Sermon: Christ's Church

The church that Jesus built. What it is NOT, and what it IS. Ppt: Christ’s Church Outline: Christ’s Church Audio: mp3

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Sermon: Step Out on the Water

Peter is often criticized for his impetuous personality. When the storm was raging, Jesus told him to “Come.” We remember him for sinking. What about the faith Peter possessed to Step Out on the Water? There are things Christians must do that are often uncomfortable. We need to get out of the boat, and have …

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Sermon: Christian Evidences: Jesus - God in the flesh

The last of three sermons on evidences. Some refuse to accept both Jesus’ deity and humanity. This is partially due to our inability to comprehend how this can be. He can only be one or the other. The scriptures speak otherwise. Both Jesus’ deity and humanity are important factors in the scheme of redemption. Ppt: Christian …

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Sermon: Preventing Apostasy

In 1 Timothy 4, Paul tells Timothy that “in latter times some will depart from the faith.” He then tells Timothy what to do about this in the remaining verses. Outline: Preventing Apostasy Audio: mp3

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