Matthew 19 records Jesus being tested by the Pharisees. They questioned Him on the subject of divorce. Jesus appealed to Genesis to show that marriage is for life, and divorce was never to be considered. He then explained His law concerning marriage, divorce, and remarriage. The only exception to the rule – one man, one …
Continue reading Sermon: Bound in Marriage – “Let not man separate”Jesus
“And when Jesus had cried out with a loud voice, He said, “Father, ‘into Your hands I commit My spirit.’ ” Having said this, He breathed His last” (Luke 23:46). These last words spoken by our Savior from the cross are considered. There is no comfort greater than that received from God when you commit …
Continue reading Sermon: Spoken From The Cross – Father, into Your hands I commit My spirit“So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, ‘It is finished!’ And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit.” (John 19:30) This, the 7th of 8 lessons in the series Spoken From The Cross, discusses the redemptive work of Christ, and the relief He felt when His suffering came to an end. …
Continue reading Sermon: Spoken From The Cross – It is finished!One of the wonders of the revelation of God’s will is His immutable nature. It is unchangeable, and thus impervious to self-contradiction. Hence the wonder of His consistent justice existing with His loving mercy. How can God be both “just and the justifier” (Romans 3:26) of sinful man? The answer lies within the Biblical concept …
Continue reading Article: Propitious by Means of PropitiationOne of the 7 sayings of Jesus as He was crucified was simply, “I thirst!” (John 19:28). This sermon considers the humanity of Jesus, and also makes various points in light of the phrase. Ppt: Spoken From The Cross – I thirst! Outline: Spoken From The Cross – I thirst! Download: mp3
Continue reading Sermon: Spoken From The Cross – I thirst!Jesus cried with a loud voice from the cross and said, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” (Matthew 27:46). This is considered by examining the remote context of scripture, and examining the text of Psalm 22. Ppt: Spoken From The Cross – My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me? Outline: …
Continue reading Sermon: Spoken From The Cross – My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?Jesus was crucified between two robbers. Both joined the crowed in blaspheming the Son of God as He died for their sins, but one had a change of heart. He defended the Savior, and petitioned Him. Jesus had mercy, and promised Him salvation. This account is discussed, and application is made. (Unfortunately, there was a …
Continue reading Sermon: Spoken From The Cross – Today you will be with Me in ParadiseAn age-old argument used by advocates of the “faith only” doctrine (primarily arguing against the necessity of baptism) is that which asks the question, “What about the thief on the cross?” Their affirmation is that because the thief was saved without baptism, baptism is not necessary for salvation. Using scripture, this false doctrine, and misuse …
Continue reading Sermon: What about the thief on the cross?The appearance of leadership roles being filled by women in various religious bodies is common. This has affected the church, and must be addressed in one way, by appealing to scripture. We must not ask what society says about the role of women, but what God said. Using the inspired word, the role of women …
Continue reading Sermon: Women Preachers – Authorized, or not?As Jesus hung on the cross, His mother, and disciple whom He loved, stood nearby. Even in tremendous pain Jesus had compassion for them. They were filled with sorrow while watching their close companion suffer, and Jesus acknowledged their troubled hearts. (Lesson 3 of 8 – Spoken From The Cross) Ppt: Spoken From The Cross …
Continue reading Sermon: Spoken From The Cross – Woman, behold your son!