
Matthew 22 records Jesus being questioned by the Pharisees, Herodians, Sadducees, and a lawyer. The questions are considered, as well as their motive. The chapter ends with Jesus asking a question Himself. Ppt: Questioning Jesus Outline: Questioning Jesus   Download: mp3  

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Jesus showed great love and compassion for mankind as He suffered on the cross. Even after the unjust treatment He received, from the trial to the punishment, and also as He was nailed to the tree, He desired the best for humanity. His intercession on the peoples behalf as the first words He spoke after …

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When adversity strikes, our true person is revealed – “If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small” (Proverbs 24:10). Jesus showed great strength and character in the hours leading to His death, and as He hung upon the cross. The words He uttered while suffering on the cross show His character …

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The task set before a Christian is not meant to be accomplished by self. In order to get to heaven we must attain Power to Persevere from above. This lesson discusses this concept. Ppt: Power to Persevere     Outline: Power to Persevere

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Having made his arguments about the betterment of the New Covenant in contrast with the Old, the Hebrew writer introduces the last section of his letter which focuses on exhortation and admonition motivated by what he established thus far. All that Christ accomplished in His redemptive work should give us boldness to approach God. Unlike …

Continue reading Pondering Scripture: Hebrews 10:19-25

The apostle Paul did not have a life void of trouble. His responsibilities as an apostle of Christ, and preacher of Christ, included persecution and hardship. As he wrote earlier, “Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution” (3:12). This did not weaken Paul to the point of spiritual …

Continue reading Pondering Scripture: 2 Timothy 4:17-18

Brandon discusses some false views about the second coming of Christ in contrast with what the Bible says about that great day. Audio: mp3

Continue reading Sermon: When Jesus Returns (Brandon Chiasson)

The Bible is filled with examples. Many we are to follow, but there are some we are to avoid. Examples are powerful for that very reason – they can lead people down the correct path, or do the opposite. Paul told Timothy to set an example (cf. 1 Timothy 4:12-16). We should be doing the …

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The word “religion” has been given a negative connotation by many in the world today. They say it speaks of rules, regulations, and merit, as opposed to a gospel message that speaks of grace. When discussing the connection from God to man, and man to God, it is not uncommon to hear the phrase, “I …

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Mark 11:12-26 records an opportunity Jesus took to teach His disciples. It is filled with various lessons that are meant for followers of Christ – bearing fruit, faith, and praying. Ppt: Jesus Curses the Fig Tree     Outline: Jesus Curses the Fig Tree     Audio: mp3

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