
“The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, “Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29) Jesus as “The Lamb of God” is considered. Ppt: The Lamb of God Outline: The Lamb of God Download: mp3

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One of the wonders of the revelation of God’s will is His immutable nature. It is unchangeable, and thus impervious to self-contradiction. Hence the wonder of His consistent justice existing with His loving mercy. How can God be both “just and the justifier” (Romans 3:26) of sinful man? The answer lies within the Biblical concept …

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Sermon: Five Fingers Pointing to Christ

This sermon discusses five accounts in the old testament that point to Christ and the redemption of man. Ppt: Five Fingers Pointing to Christ Outline: Five Fingers Pointing to Christ Audio: mp3

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