
Gospel Meeting with Eddie Caskey

Sermon audio of November 2-5 gospel meeting with Eddie Caskey from Dallas, Texas. Why should we serve God? (Job – class) The account of Job is used to show why we should serve God at all times. Audio: mp3 Does God have your heart? A common reason for our spiritual struggles is the lack of …

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Paul’s letter to Philemon had a specific purpose. He wanted to appeal to Philemon to receive his slave, Onesimus, back as a brother. He had apparently fled and fell into the hands of Paul who converted him. He was now profitable to both Philemon and Paul (v. 11). In preparation for his appeal to Philemon, …

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Sermon: Actions Driven By Love

Love is discussed. Several actions that are motivated by love are discussed. Ppt: Actions Driven By Love Outline: Actions Driven By Love Audio: mp3

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Sermon: Washing Each Other's Feet

In John 13 Jesus used a custom of the time to teach His disciples a lesson. “He poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet” (John 13:5). This was an act of servitude, humility, care, and love. Ppt: Washing Each Other’s Feet Outline: Washing Each Other’s Feet Audio: mp3

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When Paul went to Macedonia, he left Timothy with some work to do in Ephesus. Different heresies were threatening the churches in Asia. Timothy was told to “charge” them that they teach no other doctrine. Doctrine is an important facet of the church. By it the church is edified. By it people are saved (cf. …

Continue reading Pondering Scripture: 1 Timothy 1:3-7

Sermon: One Body, One Spirit

1 Corinthians 12 describes the church as a body. Every member serves a purpose. The body was designed to be unified, and to edify itself in love. Ppt: One Body, One Spirit Outline: One Body, One Spirit Audio: mp3

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Sermon: The Children of God

1 John chapter 3 describes how a child of God should live. It also describes a confidence the child of God can have in Christ. Outline: The Children of God Audio: mp3

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Sermon: Signs That You are Dying Spiritually

We need to examine our lives in order to maintain spiritual health. Here are some signs that indicate a decline of spiritual health. Ppt: Signs That You Are Dying Spiritually Outline: Signs That You Are Dying Spiritually Audio: mp3

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Sermon: Walking in Ephesians

The book of Ephesians describes several ways in which we are to walk. These are examined. Outline: Walking in Ephesians Audio: mp3

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Sermon: The Factors in Man's Salvation

There are many factors in man’s salvation. All must be present in order for man to attain salvation. What are the factors, and what do they accomplish? Ppt: The Factors in Man’s Salvation Outline: The Factors in Man’s Salvation Audio: mp3

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