Do you want to go to heaven? Why? If so, does the life you live now reflect such a desire? Ppt: Heavenward Bound Outline: Heavenward Bound To download, right-click on the title in the track list and select “Save link as…”
Continue reading Sermon: Heavenward BoundObedience
The following sermons were presented by Shane Carrington of Sulphur Springs, Texas. To download one of the sermons, right click on the title, and choose “Save link as…”
Continue reading Gospel Meeting with Shane CarringtonPhilippians 3 is discussed. We should follow Paul’s example, leaving all for Christ, and continually living to know Him more fully, and seeking to attain to the resurrection. Outline: All for Christ Download: mp3
Continue reading Sermon: All for Christ“Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it“ (1 Thessalonians 5:23-24). This sermon discusses the working of God in our lives, as well …
Continue reading Sermon: “He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it”The letter to the Angel of the church of Ephesus in Revelation 2:1-7 is considered. We are to be zealous for the Lord, and His work. Ppt: The Church That Left Its First Love Outline: The Church That Left Its First Love Download: mp3
Continue reading Sermon: The Church That Left Its First LoveThe choices of king Saul in 1 Samuel 15 to spare king Agag of Amalek, as well as the response of the Lord through Samuel is discussed. Applications are then made, stressing the importance of obedience in all things, and over all. Ppt: To Obey Is Better Outline: To Obey Is Better Download: mp3
Continue reading Sermon: To Obey Is BetterThis sermon examines Colossians 1 to discover the requirement of living A Christ Centered Life, and what exactly that means. Outline: A Christ Centered Life Download: mp3
Continue reading Sermon: A Christ Centered LifeThe Bible speaks against negligence. God has work for us to do, and expects us to do it. Those who choose to neglect the work God has given for them to do would do well to understand the end of such – eternal punishment. “Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and …
Continue reading Sermon: The End of NegligenceMany talk about KNOWING God, but do they? Many talk about LOVING God, but do they? Many talk about ABIDING in God’s love, but do they? The many claim to KNOW God, LOVE God, and ABIDE in God’s love, but their actions show otherwise. In part of Jesus’ response to Philip’s question (cf. John 14:8), …
Continue reading Facebook: Knowing, Loving, and Abiding by KeepingHaving just described his attitude of pressing on to the “goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (v. 14), Paul encouraged the brethren to follow his example. He does not mean he is the standard, but as he wrote to the Corinthians, “Imitate me, just as I also imitate …
Continue reading Philippians 3:17-4:1