
John chapter 13 records an important event in the life of Jesus. In the moments leading up to His death on the cross, Jesus took time to teach His disciples some final lessons. “[Jesus] rose from supper and laid aside His garments, took a towel and girded Himself. After that, He poured water into a …

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The text records events “before the Feast of the Passover” (v. 1). Jesus final moments before His imminent death He took as an opportunity to teach His disciples. Contained in these seventeen verses is a lesson of paramount importance to our salvation, and our lives of discipleship in this foreign land. “After that, He poured …

Continue reading Pondering Scripture: John 13:1-17

Class Material: 1 Peter Outlines Audio: Below are links to the audio of the classes on 1 Peter. Introduction Audio: 1 Peter Introduction Chapter Audio 1 Peter 1 1:3-12; 1:13-25 1 Peter 2 2:1-12; 2:13-20; 2:20-25 1 Peter 3 3:1-4; 3:5-7; 3:8-16; 3:17-22 1 Peter 4 4:1-6; 4:7-11; 4:12-19 1 Peter 5 5:1-14

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On the road to Damascus the Lord appeared to Saul. Luke’s record reveals, “Then Saul arose from the ground, and when his eyes were opened he saw no one…and he was three days without sight” (Acts 9:8-9). Saul was blind, but his eyes were opened to some things after his encounter with Christ. Outline: Saul’s …

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As Christians we are identified with Jesus. This identity is not, and should not be, secretive. It should be apparent to the world that we are identified with Jesus. Ppt: Identified With Jesus     Outline: Identified With Jesus     Audio: mp3

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On our journey to heaven we are given many choices. When we come to these forks in the road, we must be able to discern right from wrong, and choose the former. Ppt: Some Forks In The Road     Outline: Some Forks in the Road     Audio: mp3

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Why did the people’s perception of Jesus change so drastically in the few days between the “Triumphal Entry” and His crucifixion? This sermon examines the text of John 12, and makes application. Ppt: From The Triumphal Entry To The Cross  Outline: From The Triumphal Entry To The Cross Audio: mp3

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Sermon audio of March 8-11 gospel meeting with Roy Fenner of Highlands, Texas. What is Faith? (Class) Roy uses Hebrews 11 to discuss the concept of faith, how it looks, and what it does for the one who has it. Audio: mp3 Church Membership Matters Roy discusses responsibilities of members of the Lord’s body, and …

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As our gospel meeting begins this week with brother Fenner, it is beneficial to remind ourselves what makes a gospel meeting great, and successful. The Bible reveals unto us the keys to success when evangelizing. Great Preparation. Prior to preaching the message of the gospel is the preparation of that message. The apostles were prepared …

Continue reading Article: A Great Gospel Meeting

The doctrine of hereditary depravity is certainly not new to the scene. This age-old doctrine has led many astray throughout its existence, and has contributed to the birth of other false doctrines. Hereditary depravity is the idea that the original sin of Adam and Eve is inherited at birth. It also teaches, “from this original …

Continue reading The Patternists: Violations of the Pattern: Hereditary Depravity